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[y/n's pov]

AFTER WE cherished our moments on the hill, the once soft wind started picking up and my arms were lit with goosebumps.

"How're we gonna get back in this weather? We left my car at the restaurant, and that's like 5 miles away." i groaned.

"We could...call an Uber i suppose?"

"My signal is shit and we're literally at the bottom of a big hill. I'm not sure there's places with WiFi anywhere near us."

"Then i guess we're stranded." he laughed once and shook his shoulders up and down.

"Not now, Albert. Not now." i put my hand on his arm.

Cars were wooshing behind us and the moon hung high up. It was a calming sight, but my phone was at 17% and i didn't have any service.

"The only option we really have here is to go back to the restaurant."

"But my legs are tired!" i winced in pain at the callouses on my feet.

"I'll carry you, don't worry. And plus, in the car, it'll be nice and warm!" he sang the last word out, teasing me.

"Alright, alright. Kneel down so i could hop on, dumbass." i sneered jokingly.

I hopped on his shoulders and relaxed myself, breathing in the cold, lifeless air of Florida.


[albert's pov]

"ALRIGHT, Y/N. We're here." i muttered to her. "Y/n?" i said again, looking up at her the best i can.

Her eyes were closed, and her cheek was mushed against my head. Her arms were wrapped around my chest, and her legs were dangling above my shoulders. She was asleep.

I stuck out my bottom lip at her cuteness, but then took the keys out of her clutch and unlocked the car.

I placed her body into the front seat and leaned it down so it was a little more comfortable, then placed my own body down.

As quietly as i could, i started up the car and started driving home.

I turned off the music to not disturb her resting.

The car flowed underneath me, and the window was open a pinch so i could feel the winds as i was driving past.

It was me and Y/n in the cold, lifeless night.


THE CAR growled as we pulled into Y/n's driveway. She was still asleep,  and i didn't really want to wake her up, but i had to since we couldn't sleep in the car forever.

I lightly tapped her hip at first, and when she didn't rise, i tapped her forehead. She still wasn't waking up.

I shook her body a little bit, and when she didn't move, the panic started to set in me.

"Y/n? N/n? Wake up!" i shout-whispered. 

She didn't budge.

My brain resorted to devilish thoughts. Is she dead? Did you kill her, Albert? 

"Y/N?!" i practically screamed and shook her shoulder.

She shot up with a panicked face.

"What? Huh? Hm?" she said, all at once.

nextdoor neighbors, flamingo/albert aretzWhere stories live. Discover now