15-uh oh

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[y/n's pov]

"THANK YOU so much for watching to the end, everyone! Have a good day!" with that sentence, i ended my recording.

My instinct was to send it to Paige, but i quickly moved my mouse to Adam's contact instead and sent the unedited video to him.

I still haven't heard from Albert about the Paige situation. I didn't really blame him, though. Being a content creator can sometimes be super stressful.

Since it was one in the afternoon right now, i thought it would be perfect to go have some lunch somewhere. And plus, it would give me a nice excuse to go explore downtown Sarasota, since i haven't really been anywhere in my new city, even though i've been living here little over two months.

I put on a simple crewneck and jeans, patted Coni goodbye, grabbed my car keys, and began my adventure. 

Oh. Before i do that, i need to figure out a place to eat. Since the only person i know in Sarasota is Albert, once i was in my car i texted him.

albert 🤠


hey dude so is there any good lunch places/bakeries downtown

albert 🤠

oh i see the cramps got better?


yes ty for checking in 

albert 🤠

alright, lemme think for a sec

I turned off my phone and check my hair the rearview mirror of my car.


albert 🤠

albert 🤠

theres this place near the thrift store called applebottoms eatery its very very good
theyre like famous for their apple pie and once u try it youd understand


alr that sounds good! ill go try it :)

albert 🤠

btw, im about to go on a walk with rocky is it cool if i take coni too? theyre doggy pals and rocky'll enjoy that


good plan! u know where my backup key is, right?

albert 🤠

yeah its like in a pill bottle glued to ur rock and under a bush ??


yep got that from 5 min cfarts
****crafts omgg
pls remember to lock up after ur done :))

albert 🤠

np! have a good lunch ♥

I shut my phone off.


AFTER ORDERING myself a piece of apple pie and a medium iced coffee, i sat in silence for a few minutes, just getting lost in my head.

nextdoor neighbors, flamingo/albert aretzWhere stories live. Discover now