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[albert's pov]

TREES SWAYED outside my house as i walked in. 

The wind was picking up its pace, and i could almost smell the rain.

The two grande-sized cups of iced coffee swished around in my hands when i closed the door.

Early morning, i decided i would do something good for Y/n. I didn't know what her birthstone is or anything, so instead i got her iced coffee. And everyone likes iced coffees.

I grabbed my phone.



Hey, N/n!

I set my phone down and plopped down on the couch. A re-run of an old show was currently on.



hi, albert!
its nice u finally remembered u had my phone number haha :)



You changed Unknown to y/n 😎


anyways uhh

y/n 😎



just come to my house haha ill let u know

y/n 😎

sounds sketchy...


y/n 😎

im in!
be there in a sec 

I let out a sigh of relief.

[y/n's pov]

It was quite weird that Albert just mysteriously texted me out of now where and asked me to come to his house.

But you do only live once.

I changed into a plain oversized tee and sweatpants, then grabbed my phone, stuffed it into my pocket, and slipped on my Dr. Marten's once again.

I gave Coni one more pat on the head before running outside.

The sky was an ugly shade of gray and the palm trees outside my house were swaying left and right.

My shoulder immediately lit up with goosebumps, and i ran back inside and changed into a hoodie instead.

After, i knocked three times on Albert's door.

[albert's pov]

Okay, okay, Albert. You can do this. You. Can. Do. This.

I snatched the iced coffee from my kitchen island and sprinted to the door.

"Why hello, Y/n!" i opened the door and exclaimed, grinning.

"Hey, Albert! Why'd you call me here all of a sudden?" she asked and tucked a few fly-aways over her ear.

"I uh...wanted to give you this!" i smiled and stuck out the coffee.

nextdoor neighbors, flamingo/albert aretzWhere stories live. Discover now