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[y/n's pov]

WE LUGGED the dogs into the car and drove back.

I decided that i would stay in the backseat with the dogs. Bedrock rested his head on my thigh and Coni was in a cinnamon roll, acting like a cat again.

Albert just bopped his head to the music until we pulled into my driveway.

"That was something, huh?" he huffed and put his hands on his hips.

"Very true." i agreed with him, and hopped out of the car, with Coni behind me.

It was around 5PM now, meaning that Albert would pick me up in about an hour; even though i was with him right now.

"So i'll uh...pick you up around 6, okay?" 

"Sure," i said. "Hug goodbye?" i held my arms out.

He grinned. "'Course." 

He hugged me and lifted me up a bit, then put me down.

I did a short wave goodbye and started walking away, when i remembered a question i had to ask.

"Oh! Wait," i ran back. Coni did, too. "Is there a dress code? For the restaurant?" i questioned. I didn't want to show up inside a fancy restaurant wearing ripped jeans and a crop top.

"Oh yeah, there is. Shit." he slapped his forehead with his hand. "Will i have to wear a suit?" 

"If it's such a fancy dinner, i think you do." i laughed.

"Oh jesus." he muttered. "I'll see you later, N/n."

"See you!"


[albert's pov]

HOW WAS i supposed to find a suit in less than an hour?! I don't even remember the last time i wore a suit.

I thrive in sweatpants, and i have been for the past two and a half years.

But nevertheless, i dug through my dresser in hopes of catching one. Jake was on the phone with me.

"Dude, i swear...if you don't have a suit-"

"I have a suit! I do! I have a suit! Fuck you, Jake!" i exclaimed in panic and pointed at my phone.

"Sheesh. Calm and collected, bro. Calm and collected-"

"'CALM AND COLLECTED' MY ASS, OKAY?!" i spoke right into the phone. We weren't on FaceTime, just call, so there wasn't any meaning, but i did it anyways.

"Alright, alright." he chuckled.

My dresser was completely bare now, and clothes were all over my room. 

I moved my phone onto my bed ran to my closet. It held more sporty outfits, so if it wasn't there, i didn't have a suit.

And i was both doomed and humiliated.

I shifted through pairs of jeans and shirts, and there it was. At the end of my closet, hung my black suit. Black tuxedo jacket, black dress pants.

I don't know when the last time i wore this old thing was.

"Albert! Albert, bud! You there?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, i'm here. Guess what?"

"Oh god. Lemme think...you rather don't have a suit and you're sad, or you do have a suit and you're happy?"

nextdoor neighbors, flamingo/albert aretzWhere stories live. Discover now