13-love triangle

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[y/n's pov]

"YOU ABSOLUTE dimwit, Y/n! That was such a romantic moment!" Blaire yelled at me through my phone.

"What? The moment where we were shirtless in the middle of a thunder storm?" 

"Yes! Yes! Exactly that!" she pointed at me. "And correction: he was shirtless. You had your bra on."

"Blaire-" i sighed. "You know what? Fuck you." i crossed my arms.

She laughed, imitating me and doing the same, crossed her arms and pouting.

"Okay, smartass. Goodnight now."

"Goodnight, Y/n!" she blew me a kiss and ended the FaceTime.


AFTER A good night's sleep, Kaden texted me at around 1PM.

kadey bear 🎈

kadey bear 🎈

hey y/n!


hi kadey!

kadey bear 🎈

my nickname :D
anyways, can u film rn?


oh yeah!! im free :) 
lemme get my pc booted up, then ill join u. can i film too?

kadey bear 🎈

ill be milking u for clout 😈😈


cant wait 🥱🥱

I smiled and put my phone down. This was going to be my first time filming with Kaden!

[kaden's pov]

"Raven! I'm going to be filming with Y/n now!" i exclaimed out of my office's doorway.

"Okay, honey! Tell me when you're done so we can get food!" she replied back from our bedroom. I smiled at her statement.

I'm so lucky to have her.

Moments later, i called Y/n. She picked up after the first ring.

"Hello, Kaden!" she laughed. I could hear the grin in her voice.

"Hi Y/n! Are you ready to film?"

"Oh yeah! Do you have anything in mind?"

"Totally. I found some funny rip-offs of Minecraft on Google Play."

"Ooh, that's nice. Did you start your recording?"

After i clicked around on my monitor for a couple of seconds, i started my recording. "Recording!"

"So am i."

"Alright. 3, 2, 1...hellooo my Fumble family my name is Kaden Fumblebottom from the Kaden Fumblebottom YouTube channel and I'm here with my dearest friend," i clasped my hands together, "Parakeet! Say hi, Y/n!"


[y/n's pov]

"WHY THE HECK IS THIS DUMB THING KILLING ME?!" i screamed, clicking away at the bot, trying to kill it. It looks like my game froze, so my screen wasn't moving. "Look how bad it is! I froze, dude."

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