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[y/n's pov]

THE FIRST thing that woke me up was my head pounding. I opened my eyes, smiled, feeling that i was still on Albert, and sat up. He was still asleep, hair tossed and eyes shut. 

I get a burning feeling in the back of my throat, so i get up and rush to the bathroom to puke.

I kneel in front of the toilet bowl just in time, hurling and letting it all out of me. I wipe my mouth, splash my face with cold water, and walk back to bed. 

Albert's awakened. "Is everything alright?" he asks, rubbing his eye. 

"Yes." i reply, smiling and leaning against the doorframe of my bathroom. "You look good with your hair messed up like that." 

He grins. "I wasn't even trying, but thank you." 

I flop back in bed. "Thanks for staying last night."

"It's no problem. I was too drunk to go anywhere anyway." he runs his hand through his hair, and it takes virtually everything in me to stop myself from doing the same.

I sigh and take out my phone. He does the same.

[albert's pov]

I need to ask Y/n where she got her mattress later, because i truly slept amazing. I expected to wake up and puke a couple of times, but no. I slept like a sleeping baby.

First, i checked through Instagram. Nothing new, one story from Jake on a plane. 

Then, i tapped on Twitter. I scrolled through what was trending, and there i saw it.

"FUCK!" i hopped out of bed and began pacing back and forth at the end of Y/n's bed. 

"Oh god, what is it?" she stood up too, crossing her arms. I could see that she was worried.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" i screamed again. 

"Okay, now i'm worried. What's-"



[kaden's pov]

I WOKE up from my sleep sprawled out on my bed, with my hands not touching anybody. I sit up, fearing that Jake could've woken up and wandered off somewhere, but when i turn to get up, he's lying lifelessly off the coast of the bed. He's softly snoring, too.

I crouch down and lightly sway his head.

"I DIDN'T KILL HIM- oh. It's just you. G'morning, Kaden." he pops up startled.

"Uh...morning." i say, getting up. "Should i text Albert about breakfast?"

Jake smiled and ran a hand through his hair. "We're sleeping in the house next to Y/n's. Let's just walk over." 

I look down at my t-shirt and boxers, since i would never sleep in khakis.

Jake hopped up and calmly strolled to the bathroom. I see him kneel down on his knees and puke before coming back up and walking back to me. 

"Now i'm ready." he says, tugging on his shirt.

I lead him out of the house smiling.


[raven's pov]

SLEEPING WITH an intoxicated Blaire was like sleeping with a toddler. You had to wake up every few minutes to check if they aren't dead, and the sound of them puking wakes you up. Except toddlers don't puke.

nextdoor neighbors, flamingo/albert aretzWhere stories live. Discover now