26-blaire's fiasco

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[blaire's pov]

IF THERE'S one thing everyone should know about me, it's that i'm adventurous. Sky diving? Count me in. Walking into a store and asking what year it is? Hell yeah. Drive down the highway with girl in red blasting like we're the main characters? Sure, but only if we get Icees before.

So when i saw a targeted Instagram ad with piercing and tattoo inspo, i knew that mother nature had finally sent me a sign.

And i had narrowed it down to two options.

Either i get a gay flag on my bicep, or a tongue piercing. Both can impress the ladies in many ways, if you know what i mean.

"Okay, i see where this is going..." Y/n trails off, ripping off a piece of hash brown.  

I quirked an eyebrow. "You do?"

"Nope. Since it takes convincing, how about you convince us right now?"

"Well, this might take-"

"Oh, come on, Blaire, just tell us."

"Can you guys come with me to get a piercing or a tattoo? I might film it too, start a cute vlog channel and shit."

Y/n drops her hash brown and collapses her head in her hands. She groans loud enough for a couple of heads to turn and looks back up.

"I wasn't expecting that." Jake remarks.

"That's 'cause you haven't known her since grade school." Y/n snaps, laughing. "B, why?"

"Well, for one, because-"

"I don't even want the answer to that question." Y/n waves her hands. 

"But like...i'm in...though..." Albert says, gulping down Y/n's drink again. "I would love to see that. Do you have any other tattoos or piercings, Blaire?"

"I have both of my upper lobes, both my regular lobes, and my left helix." i say, pointing out the jewelry i have. There's a chain connecting my helix and my upper lobe, with a heart at each, and my lobes have chunky hoops. "And one tattoo, a parenthesis with a colon on each side, so a smiley and frowny. Stupid, i know. Got it when i was drunk." i say, finishing the last bite of my McGriddle and sighing.

"What kind of hangover are you having?" Kaden asks. "Getting tattoos and piercings? What kind are they?"

"A lesbian flag on my bicep and a tongue piercing."

"Oh my god..."

"That's exactly how you know you're gay."

I laugh. "Homophobic much?"

"Fuck you."

"Can we go home?" Albert asks, leaning back in his chair and groaning. "All i wanna do is curl up into a ball and sleep."

"Well..." Y/n pulled out her phone to check the time.  "We could go home, rest, and then go get Blaire's piercing or tattoo. Have you decided which one yet?"

"I'm leaning towards the piercing, so we'll make an appointment for that."

"Then it's settled! Get your trash everyone, girls in my car." she says, picking up wrappers.


[y/n's pov]

THERE CAME a knocking on my bedroom door. I wasn't expecting anyone, but it could've been Blaire or something, so I said to come in.

nextdoor neighbors, flamingo/albert aretzWhere stories live. Discover now