extra-a nextdoor neighbor christmas

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[third pov]

"...OH WHAT FUN IT IS TO RIDE IN A ONE-HORSE OPEN SLEIGH, HEY!" the bell on Albert's hat jingles as he rocks back and forth on his heels, singing to Raven, Kaden, Temprist, Blaire, and Y/n. His hands are in front of him in a fake book-like manner.

Raven's the first one to clap, and the rest of them join in suit, goofy grins on their faces. Blaire just looks at Albert with an amused smile.

"You should join a caroling group. You have a spectacular voice, dude." she spits out, chuckling.

Albert, taking her comment seriously, looks damn near tearing up. "Really? You really really think that?"

"Albert, love," Y/n stands from the couch, going behind Albert and wrapping her arms around his chest lovingly. "She was pulling your leg. Your voice is great though."

The group joined together for Christmas Day extraordinarily last minute. It took one text from Albert while him and Y/n talked over tea the night of Christmas Eve eve.

Kaden looks around the guests and room lovingly. "I'm so happy i was able to join you for Christmas. Thank you for the robes by the way, guys!"

Since their get-together was a bit last minute, Y/n practically sprinted out of the house Christmas Eve morning to purchase gifts for all of them. For Blaire she got a PacSun gift card, earrings, and new Nike Dunks, for Kaden and Raven matching robes, slippers, and cash, for Temprist a few Nike Techs and new Jordans, and lastly, for Albert, a new mousepad and a stay plus a week long trip in the most luxury hotel in Hawaii.

"I'm hella sad i didn't get anything for you guys." Temprist sighs, a frown forming on his face after a sip of sparkling grape juice.

Y/n smiles because of his thoughtfulness. "Don't worry, Temp. It's our fault everything was so rushed and last-minute. Besides, i have everything i need right here." she chimes, giving Albert's prickly cheek a kiss. He smiles, then faces her and connects their lips together. Even though it's a bit chilly in Y/n's abode, they seem to warm each other up.

"Which is?" Albert pulls away.

Y/n gives him a cheeky grin. "My friends, my beautiful boyfriend, let's see...my dog, did i say my friends? Because my friends..."

"Ohmygod, shut up no way. Blaire's attention whizzes to the TV playing the news's Christmas specials. "Mariah Carey! What're you doing on there, girl?"

Y/n detaches from Albert. "No way, she's about to star-"

"I...don't want a lot for...Christmas..." Blaire starts, hand on her chest and eyes closed.

"THERE IS JUST ONE THING I NEED!" Albert chimes in.

Raven's next, "I don't care...about the presents...UNDERNEATH THE Christmas tree..."

Y/n decides to bust out her vocal pipes, "I JUST WANT YOU FOR MY OWN..." she points to Albert as she sings.

Kaden clears his throat, "More than you could ever know..."

The whole group looks at Temprist. He's due for his part. "Make my wish come truuUuuUue..."


"ALL...I WANT... FOR CHRISTMASSS...ISSS...YOUUU!" the whole group harmonizes - well, attempts to - together.

Blaire's the first one who pops up on the coffee table and starts dancing freely. They all soon to get up off the seating area and start dancing.

It's a blur around Y/n she loves to see the groups' smiling faces prancing around. Albert's biting his bottom lip, looking at the group, thinking about how one day, he'll look back on this moment fondly and miss having everyone together.

Y/n reverts his attention to her as she grasps his hand. "Whatcha' thinking about, Al?"

He smiles down on her and adjusts the sparkly reindeer headband on her head, tucking her hair behind her ear after. "Just about how much i love this group; you especially."

Y/n, not to be cliche or anything, feels crimson color creep up to her face. "Really?"

"Of course." he opens his hands and puffs out his chest, motioning for her to hop up on him. She does, slowly but surely, and he grips her ass for...extra support.

Y/n narrows her gaze on him jokingly. "Is that necessary, sir?"

"It was sure necessary last night, when you were most definitely not calling me sir-"

"YOUUU, BABYYY, ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOUUU, BABYYY," Y/n decides to quiet him by screaming lyrics in his face.

"You're a brat." he says, before cutting off her screaming with a soft kiss.

"Jeez," Raven starts. "Is there a time when they're not all over each other and making out?"

Blaire answers her question before Y/n makes a sound. "It's rare; a never-seen-before sight, some might say."

Y/n hops off of Albert. "We're not zoo animals, B." she laughs. Albert kisses her neck and picks her up by the waist, jiggling her around a bit.

"Uh huh. Hard to believe." Blaire sighs.

This is Y/n's happy place. She wants nothing more than seeing her friends and significant other happy. She is so incredibly happy with her life right now she is practically ready to burst open.

"What're you thinking about now, N/n?"

How is she even supposed to answer that question?

She knows that eventually everyone will have to depart their own ways; Blaire back to Colorado, Temprist, Raven, and Kaden back to California, but that doesn't matter right now.

She'd rather soak up the current state instead of worrying what comes after.

Blaire grabs Raven's hands, and they begin to jump up and down, Raven sometimes twirling the redhead around casually. Since Kaden is left without a partner, he grabs the timid Temprist by the shoulder, and they sway together, enjoying the television break that's playing Last Christmas by Wham!.

What comes next?

"What do you think comes next, Al?" Y/n turns around, dropping her and Albert's interlaced hands, still together, down.

"Next as in 11pm, tomorrow, or in two years?"

Y/n can't believe how Albert always keeps his humor. "I don't know. When they leave. Tomorrow, maybe."

"Oh. Well, that's simple then. We can eat some breakfast, maybe go shopping for new clothes for Hawaii, and we'll be off. Oh, i'll have to find a sitter for Rocky and Cone, but-"

"I love you. Holy shit, where would i be without you?"

Albert's taken aback, but in a good way. "I love you more and back. Also, i ask myself that question every day." he smiles.

"HEY!" Y/n screams, hands cupped over her mouth. Everyone's eyes turn to her. "I love you guys. Thank you for coming."

And almost like they choreographed it themselves, everyone steps towards Y/n and tackles her in hugs. 

lizzy's note !
just a lil extra chap for everybody. i truly miss you guys. i have a little something-something "in the works" but i don't know how long "in the works" will be, so enjoy this for now.

i love you all.


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