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[y/n's pov]

AFTER THE Ferris Wheel thing, we drove home, me half asleep, and barely had enough energy to wobble inside my house and flop on the bed. Albert didn't lock neither the car doors, nor the house doors, so for all i know, we could've been kidnapped. 

We didn't get kidnapped. 


I ran my fingers through my hair and watched outside of my window as the sun rose. We got home around two AM, so I got barely four hours of sleep, but it's worth it for the Florida sunrises.

Albert twisted over to me and gave me a sleepy grin.

I smile back. "You look hot with your hair messed up like that." I intentionally blurt, running my hand through it.

"It's too fuckin' early for this..." he turns back around and laughs.

"What're our plans for today, loves?"


"Okay shut the fuck up i'm trying new things." i shrug. 

"Gotcha." he replies. "Well, there's nothing on my calendar. What about you?"

"I literally just asked you what we're gonna- never mind. Uhm, well...let's start on getting breakfast."

"That place downtown?"

"You know me so well." I finger-gun him.


[albert's pov]

WE BOTH went home and got dressed. I wore a simple tank top and shorts, while Y/n also sported a tank top, a cardigan, and jeans. Fancier than me.


y/n 😎

y/n 😎

meet me at my car pls
I'm ducking driving
my bad 👍


LMAO it's alr
see u out there

You changed y/n 😎 to y/n 💞

y/n 💞

see u!<3

I slipped on some sneakers and jogged into Y/n's car. With a smile, acknowledging that I'm present, she drove off.


[temprist's pov]

I SIGH and roll my eyes as the man next to me keeps blabbing about democrats.

"Gee, man, you can really tell that I'm pissed, huh?" 

"Really? I thought you were jumping in joy?!" I reply sarcastically. "Say another word to me and I'll push you out of that there gate." I signal to the emergency exit a row ahead of us."

"Noted." He says, and pulls out the magazine, settling on a sudoku to do. "Where ya headin'-"

"Sir, we are on the same goddamn flight." I end it there and put in my headphones to listen to music.

After little old me wasn't invited to Albert and Y/n's big fun party because I was underage, I felt sad, and partly jealous, looking at all the Tweets they made throughout the day about alcohol and being together and having so much fun and all that. 

nextdoor neighbors, flamingo/albert aretzWhere stories live. Discover now