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[albert's pov]

I FIXED my tie and shuffled inside. It felt nice to walk into the atmosphere of a nice restaurant after being outside.

"Sorry about that," i sat back down into my seat.

Y/n looked up from her phone.

"No problem." she smiled at me. "So care to explain what that was about, sir?" she folded her hands and put them under her chin, acting all cute.

She was always so cute.

How cliché.

"Well..." Albert! You dumbass! Y/n deserves to know the damn truth about Lana! "Uhm..."

"Oh christ, please don't tell me she tried to kiss you or pull some dumb bullshit like that..." she put her hand around her eyes and chuckled.

I stayed completely silent. She told me not to say.

"She did?!"

"I pushed her off and gave her no pity, though-"

"No, Albert, i'm not mad, it's just, weird. I've never had that happen to me before."

"Same here." i sighed.

It was nearing to 7PM, the sun was just at the edge of setting, and it looks as if the restaurant has more people than before.

"You know what?" i sat down and leaned towards her face.

"What?" she leaned towards me too.

[y/n's pov]

"How about we get out of here?" he smirked.

It wasn't even a question anymore.

I was sure he knew the answer as soon as my face lit up with joy.

"Hell yeah!" i shout-whispered.

He smiled even more.

[albert's pov]

I was sure Lana wasn't coming back, so i slapped two $100 bills on the table and said, "Let's go!"

Y/n hopped out of her chair, but was stopped when her heels hit the floor.

"I hate fucking heels." she muttered and slowly limped to me. She put her arm around my shoulder and propped herself up.

Butterflies ran throughout my body, but i ignored them.

An idea rushed inside my head.

Snorting, i said, "Take them off then! They're not glued to your feet, N/n."

Her eyes widened. "I'll be...barefoot then!"

"So? Fuck shoes in general!" i gently sat her down and untied my loafers.

She grinned. "Yeah! Fuck shoes!" she slipped off her heels.

[y/n's pov]

It felt nice to take off those clogs. Especially since they were causing a horrendous foot ache.

I looked up at Albert. 

"Let's go before we get weird looks." i whispered.

I was one to get embarrassed pretty quickly.

"Dude..." Albert slapped his forehead as if i said something dumb. "FUCK YOU!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.

Heads turned in waves at us, all with eyes widened.

nextdoor neighbors, flamingo/albert aretzWhere stories live. Discover now