03. lonely 18th

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About a month passed, and Seri's situation was not getting better. Even though Jake had stopped asking her to be the manager, she was expecting a call or at least a text from Youngmin. After all, it was the day before her 18th birthday. She missed her older brother dearly, and all she wanted to do was talk or see him. Ever since he left for college and Australia, he stopped contacting the family, and no matter how many times Seri called or texted him, he would never respond.


The scorching July heat was not enjoyable as Seri studied her literature notes in class. Finally, during lunchtime, Seri sat back and skimmed the news headlines on her phone. "'Eldest son of the Hwang family caught with a girlfriend in Australia,' 'Hwang Youngmin found flirting with girls at a club,'" Seri read in her head, "These are the stupidest rumors I've seen in my life. Why won't they just leave him alone?"

That's when one headline caught her eye.

"Hwang Youngmin, son of Pro Tennis Player Hwang Hyun woo and Model Watanabe Hankao, Returns to Seoul."

Seri stared at the article with confusion as read through the news article. "Hwang Youngmin returned from college this morning at 4:30 am. He has been spotted at the Incheon International airport."

"That's the biggest lie I've ever read in my life. There's no way he'd return," she muttered under her breath. But deep down inside, Seri wanted to believe that this silly rumor would be true.



"Good Morning, Seri," her mother said softly, "Happy birthday."

"Whatever," Seri murmured as she repositioned herself on her bed.

"Honey, I know you're not the happiest now, but you still have to go to school. Wake up soon, okay? I'm on my way to my photoshoot, and your father already left for training. We'll be back around 5 pm to celebrate your birthday. Sorry I couldn't clear out my schedule."

"I'm used to it because it happens on almost every birthday," she muttered.

Her mother sighed as she started to leave her room, "I made you breakfast downstairs, and Mr. Noh will drive you to school as usual. Oh, I almost forgot, you have a doctor's appointment tomorrow at 3 pm for your ankle. We're going to pick you up from school. I love you."

"Love you too," she responded with an unenthusiastic tone.

After getting dressed and struggling to get down the stairs, Seri saw a bowl of rice with some miyuk soup and rolled up eggs sitting on the kitchen island. As she got closer to the island, she noticed a pretty bouquet and a card sitting by her food. She held the card as it said her name. She opened it and read:

Happy Birthday to the most amazing daughter in the world! We are so proud of everything you do and will always be our star. We love you so much, and we are so sorry that we have to spend your birthday in the evening.

Mom & Dad

Seri tossed the card aside and quickly ate her breakfast. After grabbing her bento box, she hobbled over to the car where Mr. Noh would drive her to school.

"Happy 18th birthday Ms. Hwang," Mr. Noh happily exclaimed.

Seri just sighed as she sat in the car. "Thanks," she mumbled.

The car ride was quite silent until Seri got a notification on her phone. As she looked at the screen of her phone, she noticed she got a text message from an unknown phone number.

Unknown: Happy Birthday, Seri!

Confused by the unknown number and person, she texted back:

Seri: Who are you?

Unknown: aw come on, you don't even have my number?

Unknown: a "thank you" would have been nice too

Seri: Nevermind. Only one person would have the nerve to contact me, Jake Jaeyun Sim...

** changed contact name to Annoying Jake Jaeyun Sim

Annoying Jake Jaeyun Sim: yay, you got it right!

Seri: Don't even try and contact me.

** this user has been blocked

Annoying Jake Jaeyun Sim: WAIT SERI!

Annoying Jake Jaeyun Sim: SERI-AH! YAH HWANG SERI!

Annoying Jake Jaeyun Sim: H

Annoying Jake Jaeyun Sim: W

Annoying Jake Jaeyun Sim: A

Annoying Jake Jaeyun Sim: N

Annoying Jake Jaeyun Sim: G

Annoying Jake Jaeyun Sim: S

Annoying Jake Jaeyun Sim: E

Annoying Jake Jaeyun Sim: R

Annoying Jake Jaeyun Sim: I

Annoying Jake Jaeyun Sim: seri, i just wanted to apologize. i'm sorry.


The school day went by pretty quickly, and soon enough, Seri was back home. As she finished up her homework, she suddenly became thirsty and decided to go to the kitchen and grab a drink. Seri took her crutches and hopped down the stairs, to the kitchen fridge, and took out a bottle of iced jasmine tea. That's when she heard the front door open.

"Mom? Is that you?" she questioned, not turning around, "I thought your photoshoot ended at 4:30 pm."

As she turned around, she faced a tall young male with dark brown hair, holding a suitcase and a duffle bag.


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