27. history repeats itself again

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**trigger warning: suicide

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**trigger warning: suicide

"Ms. Hwang, are you okay? You never ask me to pick you up, especially so early in the morning," Mr. Noh asked with concern.

"I'm not feeling well," she lied, "Don't tell my parents I cut class today. They'll find out eventually."


The garage door opened as Mr. Noh pushed Seri into the house.

"Seri? What aren't you at school?" Youngmin asked while shoving a piece of bread in his mouth.

She ignored him and continued her way up to her room.

"What's wrong with her?" Youngmin asked Mr. Noh.

"I'm not exactly sure. She called me and told me it was an emergency. She, later on, told me that she wasn't feeling well. I hope everything is okay," Mr. Noh sighed, "Anyhow, I'll be off. Have a good day Mr. Hwang."

Not many minutes later, the doorbell rang. Youngmin opened the door to face Jake.

"Yo Jake, what are you doing here? You should be in school," he asked.

"Where's Seri? Is Seri home?" he asked panting.

"Yeah, she's in her room. Do you know what's going on?"

"I'll explain everything later, but just let me see her," Jake pleaded.

"Yeah, come on in."

Rushing into the house, Jaked ran up the stairs to Seri's room.

"Seri, Seri," he cried in panic, knocking on the door, "I'm so sorry. Seri, please everything is all my fault. Seri, please answer me."

There was no response so Jake attempted to open the door, only feeling it locked.

"Youngmin, the door is locked and Seri's not answering me!"

Dropping his food on the kitchen island, he sprinted up the stairs.

"She's not responding?" he panicked, "Yah, Hwang Seri! HWANG SERI OPEN THE DOOR!"

There was an eerie silence.

Grabbing the key from the top of the door, Youngmin unlocked the door to only find a horrifying sight. On the ground, laid Seri motionless, with blood staining the carpeted floor.

"Seri!" they both cried running into her room.

Youngmin ran over to his sister's side, checking her heartbeat. With relief, he heard a heartbeat, but it was faint.

"Jaeyun, help me get her on my back. We have to take her to the hospital now!"


"SERI, WHERE'S SERI!" Hanako screamed running into the emergency room heading to Youngmin, "WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER."


"Youngmin, where's Seri? What happened to her? Why is she here again," Hanako cried, grabbing her son's shoulders, "Why is Seri in the hospital again?"

"Follow me."

Leading his mother to a private room, she saw Seri lying on a bed, sleeping peacefully. With her hands shaking, she walked into the room. Carefully, she approached Seri and caressed her face.

"My baby, what happened?" Hanako cried, "Youngmin what happened? WHY WEREN'T YOU WATCHING YOUR SISTER?!"

"Mom, come with me, please," Youngmin begged, clutching his mom's arm, "Let's go see the doctor and Jaeyun has something to tell you. Please, mom."

Tears streaming down her eyes, Hanako put her head down, following her son.


"Mr. Hwang, Mrs. Watanabe," Dr. Kim started to say, "It appears Seri attempted to commit suicide."

Both parents' hearts immediately sank as they held each other's hands.

"She'll be okay, but we're going to keep her under surveillance for some time and want her to stay at the hospital for a week. She cut a deep cut into her arm, causing her to lose a lot of blood, however, she's going to be okay. We request a mandatory counseling session for Seri in order for her mental health to improve as well as for her to take anti-depressants. We know she has a history of depression and attempting suicide in her past so we only feel that it's necessary to help her."

"Thank you, doctor, thank you so much. We'll do our best to be better parents," her father cried.

After talking with the doctor and discussing treatment for their daughter, Mr. Hwang and Mrs. Watanabe left the office, heading to the main hall in which they saw a familiar face.

"Jaeyun, do you have something to tell us?" Mr. Hwang questioned.

"Yes," his voice quivered as he held in tears, "Mr. Hwang, Mrs. Watanabe, I don't think you know, but Seri is suffering at school. She has this reputation for being extremely cold, rude, arrogant, and prideful. Almost every student at Seoul Central hates her. Seri used to be a little mean, but that's because no one understood her or bothered to ask why she was feeling a certain way. She didn't have a single friend in school until this year. But every day, rumors and whispers about Seri float around the school. I feel so bad for her. And today... today rumors about us dating appeared in school as well as the secret student social media page."

"D-Dating?" Mrs. Watanabe stuttered, "You two are dating?"

"Well not officially, but she left school as soon as the rumors appeared in school," Jake felt tears roll from his eyes, "It's all my fault. I shouldn't have pushed her or embarrassed her in front of everyone. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry."

Jake collapsed onto his knees. "Please," he sobbed, "Mr. Hwang, Mrs. Watanabe, please forgive me. I'm so sorry."

"Jaeyun, why didn't you tell us this sooner?" Mrs. Watanabe cried, "Why didn't you tell us our baby was suffering?! You knew she was already suffering when we left for Japan!"

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."


a/n: guys this story is almost over omg! i only have 1-3 chapters left and I'm still debating how I want to end the story, but I promise I'll try to make it a good ending. thank u so much for your love and support <3

also thank u so much for 1.7k reads and 200+ votes!

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