29. epilogue: it's a new day

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Time skip: 2 years later

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Time skip: 2 years later

"Hey babe, I'm coming out right now, I'll meet you at the cafe, okay," Seri exclaimed on the phone, grabbing her bag, "Don't worry, I only live 5 minutes away, it'll be a quick walk. Mhm, 'kay see you in a bit."

Walking out of her apartment, Seri walked towards the cafe right by her home. It had been two years since the incident and she was now in her first year of university and was attending Seoul National University.

Finally entering the cafe, she saw her boyfriend sitting at a small table.

"Jaeyun!" she smiled while walking towards him.

"Hi pretty," he exclaimed cheerfully while giving her a small kiss on the cheek, "It feels like it's been forever since our last date."

"I know right. Ever since midterms were announced, I've been studying like crazy. Now, what do you want to drink? My treat," Seri questioned.

"No, I want to treat you," Jake pouted.

"I insist."

"No, I'm buying you a drink."

"No, you're not. I am."





"Ugh, fine," Jake said in defeat.

"Yay," Seri let out a little giggle while ruffling his hair.

After they received their drinks, they sat back down relaxing and spending the time they never got to spend with each other.

"How's your 1st year of university going?" Jake asked, "I know you took a year off from school, but I'm proud that you decided to apply."


Flashback 2 years ago: 1 week after Seri was discharged from the hospital

After many days of resting, getting counseling, and medicine, Seri was more emotionally at ease and mentally stable. However, the news of Seri's attempted suicide floated all around the school and Seri's parents were determined to find the culprit alongside Jake and his friends.

"Jake! Jake!" Sunghoon called running towards him, "I found her! I found the culprit!"

"Who is it?" Jake questioned frantically.

"Come with me. We need to discuss this with the club."


"I've been doing some investigation along with hearing a lot of rumors from students. And I found out one of my classmates is friends with the culprit. She left a message in my locker and I met up with her yesterday," Sunghoon exclaimed.

"Hurry up and get to the chase," Ni-ki said impatiently, "We need to get justice for Seri and that girl needs to be expelled. She's like an older sister to me and I don't want any more bad things to happen to her."

"Okay, okay," Sunghoon responded, "It wasn't just one girl, it was a group of girls. They're all friends with Park Soobin."

"What?" Jake questioned with confusion, "My friend, the manager of the soccer team?"

Sunghoon nodded his head, "Along with Soobin, Choi Miyeon started the post, Kim Eun hae, Lee Chaemin, and Cho Hye won. It appears Soobin had a massive crush on you and her friends wanted to help her as well as getting back at Seri. It appears they were doing a group project with Seri and she couldn't stand them because of how they didn't work and their stupidity. When results came in and they all failed, they were pissed at her so they used this chance to expose her though she already has a bad reputation."

"And how did you find out about this?" Heeseung asked.

"Soojin told me."

"Her younger sister?!" Jungwon and Sunoo exclaimed in unison.

"Yeah, Soobin's younger sister. Turns out she was fed up with Soobin too," Sunghoon sighed, "Now we just have to expose them and I think we have to tell the police too."

After getting information from Jake, Seri's parents went to talk to her daughter about the current situation.

"Seri, Jaeyun is thinking about going to the police about your cyberbullying issue. It's important and because of what you did. They found out the culprit and are willing to help you," Hanako said, holding her daughter's hand, "I think you should go."

Seri didn't say anything but looked away from her parent's eyes. She hadn't seen anyone but her family since the day of the incident and wasn't willing to go back to school.

"Hanako, I don't want to push her," Mr. Hwang whispered.

"Seri, do whatever you feel comfortable with. I don't want to burden you."

"I'll do it," she whispered weakly, "I want justice from all the people that wronged me."


"Ms. Hwang, I want you to tell us everything and anything you remember," the police stated.

And after she told the police everything, the investigation began. It was only a few days later that Mr. Hwang and Mrs. Watanabe received a call from the police.

"Hello, Mr. Hwang and Mrs. Watanabe, we have a great deal of news to discuss. Firstly, all the news your daughter told us is accurate and correlates with the problems these girls: Park Soobin, Lee Chaemin, Choi Miyeon, Kim Eun Hae, and Cho Hye won caused. The girls are allowed to receive an attorney to defend them in court as well as Seri. We understand that she has an upcoming surgery so the trial is planned on November 30."

"Thank you, thank you so much, detective."

On the day of the trial, all the girls were sentenced to a year in juvenile detention and were expelled from school. But one problem remained: the press. After all, she was still the daughter of a famous athlete and model. Of course, the press would be dying to know the news. And instead of Seri going to the interview, her father was taking her place with Seri's permission.



"I'm loving university though! It's so much fun and I love all the classes I'm in. I've met a lot of great people and I started playing tennis again. Though I'm not at the competing level yet, I feel like I'm getting back into it again," Seri smiled, "And don't worry, I'm doing much better emotionally and mentally. I haven't been this happy in years."

Jake smiled softly while caressing her cheek. "I'm happy for you. I'm so happy for you, you have no idea."

Seri blushed as she grabbed his hand. "Oh my gosh, Jaeyun- you're so corny. Stop embarrassing me," she teased.

"I love you."

"I love you too," Seri smiled, giving him a small peck on the lips, "And I will always love you."

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