06. the deal

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"Let's make a deal, alright

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"Let's make a deal, alright. If you become the manager for the performing arts club, then I will start tennis again. And then, we can have a match for real this time. I promise."

"Jake," she gritted through her teeth.

"What do you say, Seri?"

"I can't believe it! You're a traitor. You're actually a horrible person. So you decided to contact that dumbass, Jake, and not me? H-how could you?! Oppa, I can't believe you betrayed me like this. I know you love your bestie Jake, but to contact him and not me?" Seri yelled in disbelief.

"Seri, let me explain, please," Youngmin begged.

"No, get out of my room. NOW! Just when things started to get better, you decide to make it worse. You're such a pain," she snapped.

"I'm sorry, Seri," Youngmin sighed in defeat as he trudged out of her room. He never thought she'd feel this hurt for staying in contact with Jake. After all, Jake was the one letting Youngmin know how Seri was doing in school. Sure Jake left out some big details about her personality, but Youngmin never thought it was this extreme.


As days went by, it was awkward as hell with Seri giving Youngmin the silent treatment. It was even worse than when he first arrived. Youngmin told their parents the situation and both of them weren't sure how this situation was going to end up. It wasn't until Hanako thought she should take the initiative as Seri's mother.

"Seri," her mother said softly while knocking on the door, "Come out for a bit. You can't stay locked in your room all day."

There was no response.

"Aw come on, Seri. Let's go have a little fun today. I have some free time and we can do some mother-daughter bonding."

"I don't feel like it. I just want to be alone," she replied coldly.

"This is why you don't have any friends," her mother snapped, "So get your ass out of your room and meet me by the car. If you don't come out in 5 minutes, I'm going to ground you."

"What the-" Seri thought in annoyance.

However, she knew her mother was freaking scary when she was pissed off so Seri thought she wouldn't piss her mother off more and decided to get ready. She huffed with irritation as she got off her bed and threw on a white tank top and a pair of tennis shorts As she grabbed a small cross-body bag and her phone, she limped her way down to the car.

"Good, you're here. Now come in the car. We're going to do some fun things today," Hanako smiled.

"Mom, where are we going?" Seri groaned, "I still have to finish up my cram school homework."

"I know grades are important, but I'm not letting you stay cooped up in the house all day. I'm going to make you do some physical therapy also known as shopping. Honey, I didn't realize how boring your wardrobe is. For crying out loud, you're actually wearing your tennis clothes. What a tragedy."

"Mom, you know how much I hate shopping," she whined.

"Just once, please? We haven't gone shopping together in years. It'll be fun, I promise. And I won't tire you out, okay?" Seri sighed as slouched back in her seat, "Now, Mr. Noh, please head over to my usual shopping mall."

"Of course, Mrs. Watanabe," Mr. Noh happily exclaimed.


At the mall...

"Alright, Seri! Today we are going to do some very serious shopping, but right now, sit on the bench, and I'll go get a wheelchair, so you don't tire yourself out, okay?"

"Mother, I-" but Seri never got to finish her sentence because her mother forced her onto the bench as she ran over to get her daughter a wheelchair, "I was going to say I didn't need a wheelchair. But when does she ever want to listen to me?"

A few moments later Hanako came back with a wheelchair for her daughter.

"This is going to be so much fun!" she exclaimed.

To Seri, her mother sounded just like the other teenage girls in her class, it must be the model in her.

The first store they went to was Chanel. Her mother excitedly roamed around the clothing store, finding shirts, dresses, and pants that suited her daughter well. In the end, Seri didn't end up picking anything, but her mother did for her. The two of them shopping ended up feeling like only one person was shopping, her mother.

"Mother," Seri complained, "We've been here for 3 hours already. How many more stores do you need to go to? We already went to Chanel, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Dior, and Yves Saint Laurent. Your 'mother-daughter bonding time' ended up becoming a solo shopping spree."

Hanako turned to her daughter and crouched to her eye level. "Sorry Seri," she smiled, "Let's do one more thing, and then we can go back home. I got a little carried away."

"Fine," Seri impatiently murmured.

As Hanako pushed her daughter in the wheelchair, holding various bags of designer clothing, they arrived at their final destination.

"We're here!" her mother said excitedly.

"The spa? Mom, I have a broken ankle. How am I going to get spa treatment with a broken ankle?" Seri asked with irritation.

"Aw don't worry about it. Besides I've already made a reservation with my usual lady. This will help you relax a little bit, I promise. And because your body needs a little break, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity for you."

As they laid on the comfy beds getting their facials, Seri somewhat felt at ease. Her body ached less than it usually would after practice, her blisters lessened, and was feeling more relaxed. For she hadn't felt something like this for quite some time.

"Seri," her mother began to say.

"Yes?" Seri replied.

"Your brother told me what happened."

a/n: double update because the chapter i just posted is trash lol

and dw jake will appear in the chapters more frequently soon!!

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