26. scandal

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Rushed footsteps and whispers flooded the school building of Seoul Central

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Rushed footsteps and whispers flooded the school building of Seoul Central. Heading to classroom 3-1 Sua looked everywhere for Seri. Just as she was in the hallway of the third years, she saw Seri going inside of the classroom with her wheelchair.

"Seri! Seri sunbae," she frantically called, but Seri couldn't hear anything and proceeded to go into the classroom.

As Seri entered the classroom, students began whispering intensely and loud enough for her to hear.

"Do you really think the rumor is true?"

"Is Hwang Seri actually dating Jake Sim. I can't believe he would actually do that."

"I'm so disappointed in Jake. I thought he had higher standards, but it turns out they're low as hell."

"I can't believe he would date that bitch. She's no good."

"Ugh, I can't believe Seri has the audacity to hit on Jake. That's disgusting. I always knew she was a piece of shit, but wow a hoe?"

"What a disgusting bitch."

Confused and a bit hurt, she continued wheeling to the back of the classroom, where her designated spot was.

"Seri, what happened?" Heeseung asked while tapping her shoulder.

Before Seri could even speak, Sua came rushing into the room.

"Seri! Seri sunbae! You- you have to see this," she panted showing the screen of her phone.

The infamous icy tennis player Hwang Seri and hotshot Jake Sim are dating?! I never saw that coming! It's honestly disgusting to see how Jake would want to date someone as low as Seri. He deserves better.

In shock, she saw pictures of Jake and her hugging and Jake hugging her. It didn't make sense how someone would go and stalk their relationship let alone expose them. The comments were even worse.

"That bitch is dating him... what a tragedy."

"Is this some kinda joke?"

"Why can't she leave already. Hwang Seri is so damn annoying."

"Lmao what a drama queen. First lashing out at other students, but now she's dating the hotshot? I bet she threatened him."

"Why doesn't she go and kill herself already."

Feeling bitter, she handed the phone back to Sua.

"It's okay, I'm used to it by now," she exclaimed weakly.

"But Seri-"

"It's fine. Class is starting... you should go back to class before the bell rings."

Sua sighed in defeat and headed back to her classroom.

"I hope she's okay," she thought sadly, "Seri can't be used to harsh criticism and lies like this. It's just too cruel."

On her way back to her homeroom, she heard rapid footsteps approach her.

"SUA, WHERE IS SHE?" Jake asked frantically, "Where's Seri?"

"She's in her homeroom, but-"

"Thanks," he said quickly without even letting Sua finish her sentence.

Rushing to classroom 3-1 he made eye contact with Seri.


"No, no leave right now. Leave," she pleaded, feeling her heart sink.

"No, I won't leave. I won't let rumors and stupid comments hurt you."

"Stop making a scene, Jake. Please leave. I don't want to hurt you any-"

"NO Seri. No. I won't let people get in the way of our relationship. You're the one I love okay. I love you, and I won't let people stop me from loving you."

"SIM JAEYUN," Seri raised her voice, startling him a bit, "Leave. I said leave this room. Leave right now. Being cold and rude is what I'm 'best' at so leave while you can. Leave."


Jake walked right to her desk as students gasped in shock. He had grabbed her wrist forcing her to stand up and smashed his lips on hers. The whole entire class practically froze as Seri stood there in immense shock.

Pushing him away Seri fell back into her wheelchair, storming away.

"Mr. Noh, can you please pick me up? It's an emergency."

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