18. a fresh start

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And soon after a week passed by, the mini summer retreat in Busan was finished

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And soon after a week passed by, the mini summer retreat in Busan was finished. Everyone seemed closer and Seri a little less distant from everyone. Though she didn't want to talk to anyone, others had tried to get to know her better and understand her. Most of all, she was able to somewhat fix her broken relationship with Jake.


The following week...

"Hello students, welcome back from summer break," Ms. Koh, Seri's homeroom teacher exclaimed, "Now that September is next week, you third years don't have much time left when it comes to applying for college. The deadline for picking your majors will be the last day of November as you guys are graduating in February. Don't forget your finals are on December 17. That's it for announcements."

"College?" Seri murmured to herself, "Where can I even go if my only way of getting a scholarship is gone?"

Classes went by quickly and soon enough, it was time for lunch. Seri took her bento box from her bag and began to eat quietly, staring out of the window. Footsteps approached her, but she barely noticed because she was so distracted.

"Something on your mind?" Jake questioned, sitting on the desk in front of her.

"Sorta... not really," she responded, flatly.

"What do you mean 'sorta not really'?" he cutely laughed, "Something's clearly on your mind. You're zoning out and you have rice in your hair."

"No there's- wait... what do you mean there's rice in my hair?" Seri shot back, looking down at her long silky locks.

Small bits of rice grains dangled in her hair. Her face flushed red with embarrassment and quickly avoided eye contact with him.

"But seriously, Seri, what's wrong?" he asked with concern.

"I guess... I guess I'm just worried about my future," she sighed deeply, "Ever since I broke my ankle and foot I haven't been able to play tennis. And... my scholarship to any kind of university is gone. Nobody wants a person with an injury to be on the tennis team."

"I mean you are healing, right? I'm sure you're going to be just fine. I know there isn't a whole lot of time left, but I guarantee you will find something," Jake reassured, "And who knows, you can be playing tennis in no time!"

"I don't know," she muttered, unsure, "Who knows how long it's going to take for my stupid foot to heal. I'm going to the doctor's tomorrow to get a check-up since you know... the incident. Could you tell the guys I'm not going to make it?"

"Of course," he smiled.

The school bell rang, alerting students the next class was about to begin.

"See you at the club, Seri," Jake exclaimed standing up, "You might want to finish taking the rice off your hair. Unless you're saving it as a snack."

"Yah, Sim Jaeyun!" Seri snapped with embarrassment, "Hurry up and leave!"

He chuckled and pulled a grain of rice out of her hair, "See ya!"

As Jake exited the classroom, a spur of whispers started as students came back from the lunchroom.

"How could anyone want to talk to that bitch? Especially Jake."

"Talk about bipolar. She's 100% fake."

"Why would anyone want to befriend a self-centered brat like Seri? She's such a loner it's pathetic."

"Even though she's tall and has a pretty face, she's nothing but a piece of trash."

"Ugh... I wish she would just leave Seoul Central. It would make our lives so much more peaceful."

"Thank god we're graduating this year. I can't stand being in the same class as her. Hopefully, she goes overseas and I don't have to ever see her face again."

Seri sighed deeply, trying her best to ignore everyone, and started to prep for her next class.

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