21. just the girls

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"That Jake Sim," Seri grumbled while scribbling over her homework, "He's such a happy go lucky guy he doesn't' realize what pain feels like

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"That Jake Sim," Seri grumbled while scribbling over her homework, "He's such a happy go lucky guy he doesn't' realize what pain feels like."


Sua was walking back to her house with Jungwon from the convenience store. School had ended and there was no practice for the club since the third years' were studying for college entrance exams and deciding their majors.

"Should we do homework first or play some video games?" Sua questioned while opening her bread filled with red bean paste.

"Homework first then we play games," Jungwon replied, taking a sip of his banana milk.

"Eh~ you're just saying that because you know I'm going to beat you in every game," Sua joked, playfully patting Jungwon's back.

"That is partially true," he mumbled, "Anyhow, you've been late or absent from class more often these days."

"I've been waking up late these days," Sua lied, "Plus I had to go to the dentist a bunch these days. One of my molars isn't growing back."

"That's rough. I remember you telling me about your teeth problems. Hopefully, it gets better soon."

"Yeah, I do too," she smiled lightly, feeling guilty about how long she's been lying to him.

Feeling a buzz from her hoodie pocket, she took her phone out. Her eyes opened widely as a smile crept on her face.

"Sua, what's wrong? You looked so shocked," Jungwon exclaimed, trying to look at her phone screen.

"Yah, let's play video games another time," Sua said excitedly while running in the opposite direction.

"Where are you going?" Jungwon asked, perplexed.

"Hwang Seri just asked if I wanted to come over to her house!"


Sua arrived at the Hwang's luxury apartment complex and rang the doorbell. She stared at the home in awe, wondering what life in such a fancy place was like. Before she knew it, the door opened and she faced a tall young man, cowering over her.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"Hi, my name is Jang Sua. Is Seri home? She asked if I wanted to come over. It seemed that she had something to tell me," Sua responded.

"Seri?" he scoffed in disbelief, "There's no way. She has no friends."

"Watch your mouth, you idiot," Seri's voice echoed as the thumps from her crutches could be heard, "I invited her, Youngmin oppa."

"Yah, how dare you insult me. Show some respect to your older brother," Youngmin retorted.

"Like I give a shit," Seri rolled her eyes, entering near the doorway, "Come, Sua."

"Yah, stop being a brat," Youngmin exclaimed as a frustrated blood vessel popped onto his forehead.

"Go practice tennis, quitter," Seri exclaimed, hobbling past him.

"Sorry about that," Seri sighed with frustration, "I've been having a bad day and all Youngmin oppa has been doing is pestering me. He's literally got nothing to do in his life since he decided to be a useless dumbass. Anyways, come follow me to my room."

"Y-Yeah," Sua stuttered, still shocked at her blatant behavior towards her older brother.


"Is there a specific reason why you wanted me to come over?" Sua questioned, "Ah sorry! I don't mean to be rude! I was just curious."

"I just wanted to do that thing. What do they call it- ah yeah- 'girl talk,'" Seri thought aloud.

"Oh you just wanted to chat a hang," Sua smiled, "Of course, I'm down for it."

"It's just I never really had a real friend. I was kinda alone my  whole life," Seri sighed, "And I think I created another problem with him."

"You mean Jake sunbae?"

"Yeah," Seri said quietly, "Basically, I have to get surgery for my foot and I wasn't planning on telling him. Jaeyun is a very emotional guy. He's sweet of course, but he overreacts over a lot of things. He gets scared of the slightest noise, worries over the smallest things, gets mad over his grades because he thinks he can do better. I just don't want him to worry. Besides, he has so much to do and I don't want to burden him."

"This may sound kinda shameless because of my own situation, but I think you should tell him how you feel," Sua exclaimed, "I think you care about him more than you realize. Look, I don't know what your history is like with Jake, but I can tell, he really likes and cares about you. I wouldn't want that to disappear for you."

"But what's the point of keeping friends when they're all going to leave you?" Seri bit her lip.

"Seri I-"

"Yah," Youngmin shouted from downstairs, "Come down, Jake is here to see you."

"Speak of the devil," Seri muttered under her breath.

"Come one, let's go see him," Sua smiled softly, "I'll help you down the stairs."

Seri nodded in defeat as she got up from her bed and held onto Sua for assistance. Together, they slowly went down the stairs to see him. Finally making it to the doorway, she encountered the boy who wasn't much taller than her once more.

"Hi, Seri. Can we talk please?"


a/n: hey guys! i just wanted to apologize again for not updating as much! I'm trying my best and also trying to pick up the pace of the story a bit more! love you guys sm <3

also tyms for 800+ reads! I can't believe we're almost at 900!

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