10. number 1 fan

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After practice

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After practice...

"Hey Jake," Sunghoon came over to him, "About Seri, do you think she's the best option for our club? She seems indifferent about this whole manager thing and her stare gives me chills."

"Ah don't worry," Jake said, patting Sunghoon's back, "She may seem cold at first, but she's actually nice... though I haven't exactly talked to her for a while. Besides, I know she really loves managing and organizing stuff. You can pretty much call her an OCD freak. Worse than Jay."

Sunghoon let out a laugh, "But what do you mean? I thought you guys were family friends?"

"We are, but I don't know why we drifted apart so much. I remember when we were younger, our families went on vacation everywhere together and I played tennis with her in her backyard. Not sure what happened, but I noticed that she began much quieter and looked more sullen. What's even weirder is that she calls me Jake. Back then, she only called me Jaeyun. But who knows, maybe I'm overthinking it?" he shrugged.

"Maybe," Sunghoon shrugged, "Anyways, do you wanna hit up the convenience store with the guys and get some snacks and ramen? I'm starving."

"Yeah, let's go."


5 days before the retreat...

It was lunchtime and Seri was peacefully eating her lunch in the classroom while reading a book. Crossed legged with her boot over her knee she heard footsteps approaching her desk.

"What do you want, Jake? Stop disturbing me," Seri exclaimed with irritation not even looking up.

"Um, excuse me," a soft female's voice said.

Seri put her book down and looked up. A tiny girl, a first year with short silky hair, bangs, small lips, and a beauty mark right under her eye, was standing right in front of her.

"Can I help you?" she asked, raising a brow.

"Oh hi," she smiled, "My name is Jang Sua, first year in class 1-b and I'm a really big fan! Your number 1 fan to be exact. I've gone to every one of your competitions this season until you injured yourself."

"And so? What do you need?"

"Could... Could you be my tennis mentor?" she requested with big sparkling eyes, "Please, Seri sunbaenim?"

The other third years in the class gasped and stared at Sua. Was this girl out of her mind? Asking no not even, talking to the Hwang Seri?!

"No," Seri responded flatly.

"What?" Sua asked, somewhat surprised by her bluntness.

Of course, she knew the rumors of the infamous Hwang Seri and her cold looks and bluntness. Everyone warned Sua before entering the third years room, but she didn't care. It didn't hurt to try and after all, maybe Seri had a change of heart.

"I said no. If you're going to pester me any longer, get out."

"Ah, okay," she muttered with a weak smile, "Bye!"

But there was no way, Hwang Seri's superfan, Jang Sua was going to give up.


"Sua, how did it go?" her friend, Jungwon asked.

"Not so well," she chuckled sheepishly, "She's kinda scary. And I knew she was stuck up, but I didn't think she was actually that bad. I doubted the rumors a bit too much. She even denied me without hesitation."

"That's rough," Jungwon responded, patting her back.

"And about your offer, Jungwon, I can do it. Since my schedule's more cleared out I can help with the club."

a/n: thank you so much for 100+ reads 🤍

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