24. misunderstandings

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"Hey, Soobin," Jake called out to the girl

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"Hey, Soobin," Jake called out to the girl.

"Yeah?" she raised a brow holding a clipboard filled with paper.

"What's the schedule like this week and when's the first match?"

"Yah, Jake Sim, are you kidding me?" she puffed, "Didn't you get the text from the group chat?"


"I thought you were in the group chat- anyways, the first match is this Friday, practice match with Saein high school is tomorrow, and practice is every day 2 pm-5 pm."

"Ah thanks," Jake smiled patting her shoulder, "You're a lifesaver."

"Okay, now hurry up! Go practice," Soobin smiled, gesturing him to leave.

"Jake hyung!" a voice called the distance.

"Ni-ki? What are you doing here?" Jake asked walking over to him, "You too Seri, why are you here?"

"I wanted to come see you practice and I dragged Seri-san with me," he exclaimed proudly.

"Wow, you're really something else," Jake laughed.

Soobin's eyes opened widely as she slowly started to move away from the group. Of all people, Hwang Seri was the last person she wanted to see.

"Hey Soobin, where are you going?" Jake questioned while grabbing her wrist, "Come say hi to my friends."

Seri's eyes averted to Jake's hand on the girls. With a look of disappointment and a frown, she avoided both of their gazes.

"Riki-kun, can you take me back inside. I feel a bit lightheaded and need some water. Sorry, it was such a hassle to take me out," Seri exclaimed apologetically in Japanese, making sure Jake didn't know what was going on.

"You sure? And also, why are you speaking Japanese? Is something wrong?" Ni-ki responded back in Japanese.

"Nothing to worry about," she smiled weakly.

Jake looked at the two in confusion, not understanding a single thing.

"Okay, hyung, I'm going to take Seri back inside so she can rest up a bit. I'll come and watch in a bit," Ni-ki said to him.

"Are you sure? I can take Seri and you can watch prac-"

"NO- sorry," Seri said quickly, "You have to practice. It's a commitment you made. Besides, be grateful you have two working legs. Now go."

"Okay, okay," he let out a small giggle, "You sure are serious when it comes to practicing."

Seri signaled Ni-ki that it was his cue to start pushing the wheelchair. Quickly understanding, they left the soccer field and Jake went back to practice. Feeling her cheeks burn up, she covered her face with her hands.

"Seri-san, are you okay?" Ni-ki asked once more.

"Riki-kun, tell me, tell me why I got mad that Jaeyun grabbed that girl's wrist and he was talking to someone else."

"Seri-san, you need to stop lying to yourself. Stop denying the fact you like him. You do realize how obvious it is, right?"

"What- no it's not," she defended herself.

"Please," Ni-ki laughed, "Your face begins to turn red whenever you see Jake hyung now. And also, you never get flustered. The great Hwang Seri who doesn't talk to anyone seems to only get flustered when Jake hyung says something."

"Of all things, how does a first-year understand my love life better than I do," she sighed in disbelief, cracking a little smile.

"Come on, after the club meet ends, I'll take you to go see Jake hyung again."


Time flew by faster than Seri thought and she was now waiting for Jake at the soccer field as he was finishing his rounds of laps. Ni-ki had texted Jake saying that Seri didn't have a ride home (which Jake thought was quite odd) and said she would go back with him since she had some work to finish with the club.

"Hi Seri," Jake said happily while running over to her.

"Hi," she responded quietly.

"Come on, let's head home now before it gets darker," he smiled while pushing her.

"Sorry about this whole thing. I don't want to burden you since you must be exhausted from practice."

"Don't worry about it," he smiled, "Anyways, "I don't mean to be nosy, but are you okay? You left early today when you guys just arrived."


"You don't have to keep apologizing," Jake laughed, "It seems like your new favorite word is 'sorry' now."

"I guess so," she smiled softly, pausing, "Jake, who was that girl?"

"That girl? Oh you mean the one I was talking to earlier? Her name is Park Soobin. She's in my homeroom and the soccer club's manager. Why?"

"Nothing. Nevermind," she responded.

"It's not nothing," he poked at her shoulder, "Don't tell me- were you jealous?"

"I- No," Seri exclaimed quickly, "Okay... I thought you guys were something because I didn't know you talked to other girls here."

"Eh~ you are jealous," Jake sing songed, "Never saw that coming from you."

"How can I not be if I like you," Seri sighed, not realizing what she said out loud.

"What?" Jake questioned with surprise.

Covering her mouth, she felt her face heat up.

"What did you say?"

"I... I like you, Jaeyun."


a/n: hey yall I'm so sorry I've been pretty dead. I've been kinda unmotivated to write and I've had a lot of school work. school has been a little stressful, so I couldn't find time to write. thank you for continuing to read my book :)

also, thank you so much for 1.3k read! it means the whole world <3

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