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After school

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After school...

Seri sat in the back of the dance studio, taking notes on the boys' strengths and weaknesses when it came to dancing, singing, and rapping. Since the winter showcase was coming in a short amount of time, the club had lots of things to work on. Sua was out once again though Seri was the only one who knew why.

"I need to discuss some things with you," Seri mumbled.

But no one could hear her because her voice was so soft and the music was loud.

"G-GUYS!" she said much louder and a little more aggressive than intended.

They gave her a blank stare and backed away from where she was sitting.

"W-What is it, Seri?" Jungwon asked with a hint of fear in his voice, "Did we do something wrong? Was it me? I'm so-"

They were still uncomfortable around her.

"I- sorry," she sighed, "I need to tell you some stuff about your skills."

They gathered around her wheelchair.

"Starting off with Jake," Seri exclaimed, "You're doing horrible and you need to align with the beat of the song. You're always a split second late and it makes the choreography look messy. Your vocals are fine though. Next is Jungwon. You're doing well, keep practicing. However, you need to sharpen up some dance moves for certain parts of the choreo. Next is Heeseung. Heeseung everything you're doing is great. Keep up the good work. Jay, you need to stop making the dance moves overaggressive... you too Sunghoon. You guys also need to strengthen your vocals a bit. Next is Sunoo. Your vocals are very good, just work on the dance a little more. And lastly, Riki. Everything you're doing is perfect, I just need a little more work on your vocals. Heeseung and Ni-ki I want to put you in charge of helping the guys with singing and dancing. That will be all."

The boys nodded and returned to the center of the dance studio while Jake stayed back.

"What is it?" Seri questioned staring up at him.

"Your tone completely changed when you talked about the other members Especially Ni-ki," he pouted.

"Jake I- don't tell me you're being jealous over something trivial. Stop acting like a 5-year-old and go practice. Besides, it's only natural that the guys are better than you. They have more experience since you've been playing soccer for some time. Don't get discouraged," Seri speedily said, "Now go practice or you're going to be even more behind."

"Wow, the Hwang Seri is encouraging me," Jake faked gasped while laughing at the end.

"Aw shut up, Jaeyun," Seri let out a little smirk, "Now go practice."

She playfully slapped his back, "Go."


The next day...

As soon as school was finished, Mr. Noh picked up Seri from school. Her father was waiting in the car for her as her mother was away due to her photoshoot.

"Hi Seri," her father exclaimed, helping her get into the car.

"Hi dad," she said quietly.

"You ready?"

"I suppose," she sighed.


At the doctor's office...

After a round of getting tested and an x-ray, Dr. Park came back with news to discuss.

"Mr. Hwang, Seri," Dr. Park exclaimed, taking out a file of papers from his desk, "There is certainly a large amount of news to discuss."

"Firstly, Seri's ankle seems to be healing well. It's at an average pace so it's not anything new as for her tarsals," he sighed, showing the image of her x-ray to the two, "The fractures in her tarsals are severely broken. Seri will have to go under an operation to help the healing process go quicker. The procedure is simple, we're going to insert metal rods on the sections that were broken, removing bits of the broken bone."

"An o-operation?" Seri stuttered quietly.

"Anything to help Seri. All my daughter wants is to play tennis again," Mr. Hwang exclaimed.

"How long will it take to heal? Will I be able to play tennis?" Seri asked frantically.

"There's no saying how long it will take. But the average will be 4-5 months. And as for tennis, you will be able to play, but it will definitely be a while before you can. While you take physical therapy, you can start practicing tennis again, but in moderation. However, you should take it easy and it will definitely be a while before you can play."

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