george weasley

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blurb based off the song fluorescent adolescent from my tumblr
george x reader, no warnings

You hadn't seen George Weasley in ages, probably since he up and left Hogwarts during your seventh year. Back then you'd been a completely different girl. Back then, you'd taken the Weasley boy for granted.

"C'mon, you know you had fun last night," he sighed, pushing you further into the common room couch with his clothed pelvis. It was well past two in the morning and you knew it was unlikely that anyone would walk in on the two of you but the risk of it all had you spiraling. His lips were hovering just barely over yours and you could feel the tip of his nose pressed against yours.

"I'm not admitting anything," you said but the shake in your voice did it for you.

"What'll it take for you to let me take you out again?" he asked, lips brushing against yours as he did so. You could practically taste the firewhiskey on his breath.

"I told you. I don't date," you said. All you wanted to do in that moment was move your head forward the quarter inch that separated you and connect your lips. You had a resolve, though. No attachments. Nothing that could you back from your life after Hogwarts.

"I'm the exception, though, love," he jutted his bottom lip in a small pout. The feeling of his lips against yours in any way was sending shock waves throughout your entire body. You let your hand trail up his body so that it was resting at the nape of his neck, fiddling with the strands of hair there.

"We'll see about that," you mumbled as he finally closed the distance between you. He tasted like one of those candies he and Fred had made earlier that week–one you couldn't easily identify, yet–and cheap alcohol. It was intoxicating.

He really was the closest thing you had to a real boyfriend. And, God, do you wish you had let him take that final step. 

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