draco malfoy

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"Y/N has had a crush on draco for a long time, but gets horribly sad when she/he sees draco and pansy "flirting" Y/N had assumed they did and started to get distant. One day, draco walks into the slyherin common room to find Y/N reading. he tries to talk to her/him, but fails. Finally Y/N snaps at him, telling how jealous she/he was when she saw him with Pansy. draco tells Y/N that he doesn't like her and he likes someone else, Y/N. They make up and start dancing." for pluviophilestars

no warnings

"Add the infusion of wormwood. Then add the powedered root..." Professor Snape droned on, the only thing I could even pay attention to was the boy sitting directly in front of me, although the only thing I could see was the back of his platinum head. Draco Malfoy, my best friend, prefect, and long-time crush, was the boy whom I couldn't seem to take my eyes off of.

"Miss Y/L/N, would you care to pay attention to the lesson and not the back of Mr. Malfoy's head?" Snape inquired, walking slowly toward the table I shared with Pansy Pugface Parkinson.

"I wasn-"

"Don't talk back to me," Snape snapped.

"Professor," I begged, me cheeks heating up at the attention being placed upon me.

"Pay attention, then. Fifteen points from Slytherin," Professor Snape said before staling back to the large chalkboard at the front of his classroom.

I groaned, throwing my head down onto the table, "Why does this always happen to me?"

"Nice job, Y/N" Pansy scoffed whilst flipping her hair over her shoulder. Maybe if I hit my head on this table a hundred times I'd have less brain cells than Pansy and be able to understand the bitch language.

After what seemed like forever, Snape dismissed class and I practically sprinted back to the common room, only wanting to take a nap that lasted forever.

"C'mon Dracey!" Pansy's voice squawked from behind me causing my eyes to roll into the back of my head.

"Where are you taking me?" Draco asked me as the two raced past me, Pansy's arm wrapped around his as she pulled him farther down the hallway. I scoffed, continuing my voyage back to the dungeons but this time with Pany's squeaky voice ringing in my ears and the image of the two running down the hallway tattooed on my eyelids.

Finally reaching my dorm room, I immediately flopped face first on the four-poster bed, drifting off into the sweet bliss of sleep.

"Oh Y/N, do you know how much I love you?" Draco asked, running his hands through my Y/H/C locks as we sat underneath the great oak tree, my head in his lap.

"No, how about you tell me?" I smirked up at the grey eyed boy.

"Alright," he chuckled. "I love you more than I have ever loved anyone else, more than the amount of water in every ocean, more than the amount of stars there are in every solar system, in every galaxy, in every universe. I need you more than I need oxygen, Y/N."

"Draco," I said, covering my face with my hands to hide the profuse blush on my cheeks.

"Y/N," Draco said.

"Y/N! Wake up!" My best friend, and dorm mate, Y/F/N, said.

"What do you want, I was having a very nice dream," I groaned, opening my eyes to see the girl situated at the foot of my bed.

"Did you see Draco and Pansy today?'' she asked.

"Yes, don't remind me," I said, crawling off the warm covers of the bed and walking towards the door leading to the common room.

"I'm sorry, Y/N," she sighed, following after me.

"No, you're not. You live for stuff like this," I snapped, taking my annoyance with the situation out on her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I'm just a little pissed."

"Oh, I couldn't tell," she chuckled.

"Anyway, I think I'm just going to read for a while, you can join me if you would like," I said, walking over to the bookshelf on one of the walls of the common room.

"I would but I'm practically drowning in homework right now, sorry," she said, walking back up into our dorm.

"Guess I'm alone for the night," I sighed, plopping onto one of the leather couches with a copy of The Great Gatsby in my hand.

After about a half hour or so of reading, I heard someone enter the room and sit opposite of me on the couch. I glanced up from the book to see the infamous Draco Malfoy, eyes glued to my own.

"Hey," he said. I simply ignored him, going back to reading the small paperback in my hands.

"Y/N," he said, waving his hand in front of my face, causing me to move my book and glare at him.

"Okay, you're mad at me," he sighed.

"I'm not mad at you," I said, walking back over to the bookshelf to place the book back in its rightful place.

"Than what's with the death glare?" he asked.

"You really want to know?" I asked him, venom lacing my tone.

"It's kinda why I asked," he laughed.

"Why don't you go ask Pansy, oh wait, nevermind. You'll be too busy sucking faces with her to be able to ask," I said before plopping back on my place on the couch.


"Oh, so you weren't flirting with her earlier?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"No?" he said but it ended up sound like a question more than an answer.

"Oh Pansy, my love, where are you taking me?" you mimicked his voice.

"What the hell are you talking about, I don't even like Pansy," he said.

"You don't?" I asked.

"Not even in the slightest. However, I do like someone a whole lot better. Yet, she gets jealous very very easily," he chuckled, stalking over to me and placing one of his hands on my cheek.

"Is-is it m-me?" I stuttered out.

"No, it's Y/F/N," he said. "Obviously it's you."


"Yeah, oh," he chuckled before leaning in to place his lips on mine. My hands moved to link around his neck and play with the short hair.

"And, thanks for confirming the whole 'liking back' thing today in potions," he winked at me. I lightly slapped him for bringing up the whole situation at all.

"Dance with me," he said, extending a hand out for me to take.

"There's no music, Draco."

"That makes it even better."

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