fred weasley

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Fred takes a well deserved nap with his girlfriend
fred x fem!reader, no warnings

My shoes clopped against the marble floors of the castle as I walked back to the Gryffindor common room. I mumbled the festive themed password to the fat lady to let me through the painting. My books dropped to the nearest table and I plopped down on the couch closest to the fireplace. Tomorrow I would be leaving for the burrow with Fred and the rest of the Weasleys for Christmas break. Molly insisted I come for the past 3 years as my parents always stayed in New York and didn't wan't to burden themselves with me coming.

I heard the portrait swing open and saw the twins enter. "Hello, love," Fred whispered, falling next to me on the burgundy couch.

"Hey, Freddie," I responded. "And hello to you too George."

"Yeah, hey (Y/N)," He nodded, walking past us to go back to his dorm.

"What's his problem," I ask.

"He's just jealous he doesn't have anyone to bring home for Christmas."

"Well, I guess that's his problem," I sighed leaning onto Fred's shoulder. He kissed the crown of my head lay his head on top of my own. Letting my eyes close from the long day I had, I began to drift to sleep until I heard snoring above me. Fred's eyes were shut tightly and lips parted when he exhaled. The ginger hair he usually kept quite neat was falling everywhere and getting blown up when he let out a long breath. I giggled at how adorable he looked and gently placed him on my lap do I could play with his hair. He began to stir slightly and I moved my hands off of him until he died back down.

"Hey it's okay," I whispered. I continued running my hands through his red hair until he woke up.

"How long was I asleep?" he asked with a groggy voice, still half asleep.

"5 or 10 minutes," I placed a kiss on his nose.

"Did you sleep?"

"No, I was content with watching you."

"Sleep," Fred said while swapping positions with me and lying down behind me. Face in my hair and arms around my waist I began falling asleep myself.

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