george weasley

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a blurb loosely based off cherry wine from my tumblr
george x reader, mentions of death

Life after the war was hard enough for you; you couldn't imagine what it was like for George. He'd lost his brother, his twin. It's not something you can get over in a week. Still, George seemed to be moving on well enough. Better, even, than you expected him to. He woke up every morning, kissed you on the forehead, and made his way downstairs to open up the shop for the day. He almost seemed... normal.

It had been almost two years since you'd lost Fred when you woke up in the middle of the night to find George in your bathroom staring in the mirror and crying. You almost jumped on him when you saw the pair of scissors in his hand.

"What are you doing?" you asked him sharply, snatching the blades out of his hand.

"I don't want to see him in the mirror anymore," he said, his voice cracking. That was when you saw the few pieces of hair scattered in the sink. Luckily, he hadn't managed to cut too much off before you'd been able to stop him, though, you knew he would have to get his barber to go a little shorter than usual when he went to get it fixed. Maybe that was for the best.

"Georgie, talk to me," you sighed as you maneuvered the two of you around the master bathroom. "Please. I need to know what's going on."

"I-I thought..." he trailed off. A sniffle punctuated the thought.

"It's okay. Take your time." Your hand was running delicately up and down the expanse of his thigh. There was nothing sexual about the act, though. Both of you knew that.

"I thought I had to be strong... for you. If I just tried to get past it, it would get better," he said. The glassiness in his eyes waned slightly.

"It's okay to mourn him, you know. It takes more time than you think to get over a loved one."

"I thought it was getting better. I thought the pain was going away. I was starting to feel better. You've helped me so much. I wanted to be strong for you," he rambled. You could hear the tightness of his throat as he choked out the sentences. You didn't offer him any words, that wasn't what he needed right now.

"But tonight it just got to be too much. If I could just change something about myself I wouldn't have to see him every time I looked in the bloody mirror," he sighed.

"Is there anything I can do for you," you asked quietly after a few moments of silence.

"No, you already do so much for me. I don't want to be a burden," he said.

"You could never be a burden, George."

"You make life worth it, you know. If it weren't for you I don't think I'd still be here," he told you honestly. 

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