remus lupin

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"can you do a cute remus lupin imagine where they have skinny love and sirius is like 'i have to play matchmaker' and with both of them her bets the other one loves that one? and can you end it with this sentence coming from sirius "ha, now both of them owe me ten galeons." ? thank you very much^^ (it's written weirdly, but i hope you understand (: )" for nrochtiaf

warnings: none, maybe some swearing.

I clambered down to the Slytherin common room, rushing to get everything in order before I entered Transfiguration. My stomach grumbling as if to scold me for getting up so late and missing breakfast. The only thing I was semi-looking forward to was getting to sit with the Marauders. Well, I got to stare at Remus the whole time so that was mainly what I was looking forward today.

"You're late Miss Y/L/N," Professor McGonagall chastised as I entered her classroom, every eye on me.

"I know, I'm sorry. I overslept and then I couldn't find my robes," I groaned as I sat in my seat beside Sirius.

"No excuses, next time it's a detention," she said before continuing on with the lesson she had previously been teaching. A wave of relief washed over me at the thought of missing detention.

"I bet Remus would've been A-Okay with you not having your robes," Sirius winked, inducing a wave of heat to wash over my face.

"Sirius," I squeaked, slapping his arm in a playful manner.

"You know it's true, love. Have you seen the way he looks at you?" Sirius asked.

"He always looks like that," I reasoned, him obviously not having any sort of romantic feelings for me.

"No, he only looks like that when you're around, dear Y/N," he sighed before speaking again. "I bet you 15 galleons he's in love with you."

"Why would he like me, I'm nothing special. Plus, I'm a Slytherin," I responded to the boy sitting beside me.

"Yeah, but you're the coolest Slytherin any of us have ever met," Sirius said in a sing-song voice causing the other three Marauders and a few other students to give him a questioning look before tuning back in to McGonagall.

"It's not right to tell lies, Mister Black," I giggled.

"But, I'm not lying." Sirius jabbed an elbow into my ribs multiple times almost making me topple out of my chair.

"Sirius," I whisper-yelled at the boy, a small laugh erupting from him.

"When you find out he likes you, you know where to find me," Sirius regained his signature smirk before listening in on the lesson we had been previously ignoring.

Later on that night, I had been sitting in the Gryffindor common room with the Marauders, earning more than a few dirty glances at the green and silver I was sporting.

"Who wants to play truth or dare?" James asked nonchalantly, the five of us being lain around in different spots in the room, all bored out of our minds.

"Yeah, we have nothing better to do," I agreed to the idea.

"I call going first!" Sirius said whilst jumping up from his spot and sitting on the carpeted ground, patting the ground around him for us to join him. "Remus, truth or dare?"

"Uh, truth," Remus nodded.

"Okay, who do you like?" Sirius asked, licking his lips in anticipation.

"Umm~uh, can I do a dare?" Remus asked, fiddling with his fingers.

"Nope, you gotta answer, and truthfully!" Sirius shouted, way more excited for this than anyone else. Remus and I were practically glaring daggers into his head.

"Y/N," Remus whispered so quietly I almost missed it. The sound of my name being called made my heart jump to my throat, the thought of the one boy who I'd liked for ages actually liking me back.

"What was that?" Sirius pushed.

"Y/N," Remus whispered again, only slightly louder the second time.

"One more time, Moony," Sirius pushed once again. This time Remus didn't respond. This time, all he did was get up and rushed to the portrait and swiftly left the common room.

"Great job, Sirius," I said and flicked him in the forehead before leaving to go find Remus.

"Rem? You out here?" I asked as I exited the common room. The only response I received was the sound of sniffles and a few whimpers. I looked down to see the boy with his face in his knees sitting on the cold marble flooring.

"I'm sorry, Rem. Sirius can be a real dick sometimes," I consoled the boy sitting on the ground beside me. Again I only received whimpers. I placed my hand onto his shoulder only for him to shrug me off.

"I like you too, you know," I whispered, keeping my hands away in fear of him pushing me off again. I saw his ears perk up before he looked at me with glossy eyes.

"You do?" he asked, a hint of excitement hidden in the sadness.

"Yeah, I do," I smiled at him.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" he asked, his face still slightly red and puffy from his tears.

"I didn't think you liked me back," I said and leaned closer to him, wanting nothing more than to feel his lips against my own. Remus met me half way and I swear I could feel a spark as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Ha, You both owe me fifteen galleons, bitches!" Sirius shouted, causing the both of us to flip him off.

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