draco malfoy

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"can you do one where y/n and harry are brother and sister and her and draco have a love/hate relationship. eventually they get together and harry gets mad at her but after a while he forgives her." for  phxtxgraph  and  _Wolf_Queen_

no warnings

Walking down the marble halls of Hogwarts, the only thing on my mind was a certain platinum haired Slytherin, Draco Malfoy. Somehow, the boy who had targeted my brother and I had stolen my heart and didn't dare give it back. The way his grey eyes scanned across mine before pulling me into a deep kiss, his hands roaming every inch of my skin, his lips tracing over the lightning bolt scar imprinted on my collarbone. I continued to let him consume my thoughts until I felt a hand grab my wrist and begin to drag me to an empty corridor, the calloused fingers gripping my skin.

"Draco, what the hell are you doing?" I asked the boy.

"I needed to see you, princess. I've been craving you all day," he groaned, stopping in the deserted hallway to press a kiss on my lips. It was hard to think that almost three months ago, Draco was shouting rude names and griping at me. The feelings he hid underneath his hatred found a way to emerge, his love feeling so much better than the hate.

"Draco, someone could see us," I sighed, pulling back from him. We kept the two of us a secret, my brother would make it too complicated if ever did choose to go public.

"I don't care," he grumbled, pulling me back to him by my hip, ghosting his chapped lips over my own.

"Malfoy! Get off my sister!" I heard a booming voice yell, anger dripping from his tongue. The two of us jumped away as if the other had just caught fire.

"Harry, wait, I can explain," I said, walking up to my twin brother, my hands outstretched in surrender.

"How can you explain making out with Malfoy. Especially after how horrible he's been to us for the past five years. How horrible he's been to you," Harry yelled, hurt laced his tone.

"He's changed, I promise he has," I cried, not wanting to lose the little family I had left. "Harry, I love him."

"How can you love Malfoy?" Harry asked, his eyes glossy with tears and his face red.

"Potter, I love your sister, I do," Draco said from behind us.

"No, you don't get to talk." Harry pointed a finger at him, bounding over to where he stood. "What have you done to my sister? Did you brainwash her? Because I know for a fact four months ago she would not have agreed to dating you."

"Harry, I didn't do anything to her except to her except love her with my whole being, I swear," Draco protested. By now the only one not crying was Draco.

"Why did you make her life miserable before then, huh?" Harry asked, shoving Draco backward.

"I didn't know what I was feeling. I thought I hated her," Draco said, face falling and eyes beginning to glaze over. Harry didn't say another word, he just stormed out of the corridor.

"Y/N," Draco mumbled, rushing over to me and pulling me into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry, he'll come around I promise."

"But what if he doesn't," my voice cracked.

"He will, he has to. You're his sister and he loves you. You're all he has left," Draco said, tears flowing freely down my face.

I kinda changed how this ended up because I incorporated two requests but I hope you liked it. Also, I started up a Why Don't We imagines book if you guys would like to check it out! I would love you foreverrr if you did.

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