james sirius potter

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James wants to be as close to Y/N as possible (for @izzyishappy )
james x reader, no warnings

I was sitting at the Y/H table for breakfast until my boyfriend, James, sat about to inches from me.

"James, scoot over," I said, already annoyed that I had 3 essays to finish before tomorrow.

"Hmmm, how about I don't do that," James smirked before moving even closer to me.

"James Sirius Potter, If you don't stop being a clingy little shit, I'm going to break up with you," I said.

"Aw, you would never break up with, love. You love me too much." James placed a small kiss on my cheek before finally moving over and leaving me some personal space.

"Touché." I squinted my eyes at him and went back to eating my small meal of cereal with some strawberries.

"So, what you like to do after breakfast, princess?" James asked and slipped an arm across my shoulders making a rosy tint paint my cheeks. Somehow, after a year of dating, he was still able to make me blush.

"I have three essays to do, James," I sighed, wanting to spend time with him.

"I could help you with them," he said.

"We both know I'm better at writing essays than you are," I giggled.

"I can be there for moral support. Plus, I give really good cuddles."

"You're cuddles don't help me focus at all!" James laughed at my response before getting up off of the bench. 

"Finish your breakfast, princess, I'll be waiting outside by our tree," James winked and then walked off, leaving me without any way to say no to the boy. I guess I would just have to try and do my work while he's being super clingy.

Walking out near the Black Lake, I see James sitting under the tree where we first met.

I was sitting under one of the trees near the Black Lake, this being the only place I could work on my assignments in peace other than the library.

"Mind if I sit here?" I look up to see a quite beautiful boy looking down at me.

"Yeah, Yeah," I said and moved my stuff out of the way so that he could sit down in the shade of the large tree.

"I'm James." The boy extended his hand out me.

"Y/N," I replied, taking his hand into my own.

"What a beautiful name," James said causing a blush to heat up my face.

Recalling the memory, I walked over to where James was sitting. As soon as he saw me, he put out his hands in a grabby motion. I just laughed before sitting between his legs, my back against his front with his hands around my waist.

"You just couldn't resist me, could you?" he chuckled and pressed a kiss to my temple.

"I guess your cuddles are just irresistible. Even if you are clingy."

"Damn straight."

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