lily evans

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Y/N is hesitant to admit she likes Evans.
Lily Evans x Fem! Reader for 
That_Lesbian_Meme , no warnings

"Oh come on Y/N, Just admit that you like Evans," Remus, one of my best friends, says as we hung out in his dorm. McGonagall had tried many times to get me to stay out of the boy's dorm rooms before I came out. Ever since I did, though, she really couldn't care less if I slept in there, as it had happened many times

"No," I groan.

"Why not, L/N?" he questions me with slitted eyes.

"Because," I pause. "I haven't and never will like Lily."

"I heard she might have a small crush on you," he says.

"Really?" I ask way too quickly and prove Remus right. Remus just chuckles as I turn a bright scarlet.

"I knew it, you like her!" he exclaims.

"No I don't! Plus, even if I did, James is basically in love with her. I wouldn't do that to him, Rem," I sigh at the stubbornness of my friend to keep this up.

"Oh hey, Lily!" Remus screams at the door.

"What?" I whip around hard enough to give myself whiplash and my hand shoots up to soothe my neck.

"Ha, got you," the brunette smirked.

"Oh shove off, Moony," I throw a pillow off his bed at his head. Remus holds his hands up in defense before welcoming me onto his bed to bug me with more questions.

"So, how long have you liked Miss Lily Evans?" Remus asked whilst wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

"Since, right around, never," I say looking Remus right in the eyes, seeing as I tend to not look at people when I'm lying.

"Hmmm, I am almost 100% sure you like her so, I'll ask again, since when?" Remus asks and we keep a silent staring contest until my eyes are as dry as the Sahara desert and I have to blink.

"Damn you, Moony, how do you always win staring contests?" I ask, rubbing my eyes to soothe the pain and dryness.

"You're avoiding the Question, L/N," Remus groans.

"Maybe because, I don't know, I don't like her!" I semi-yell, starting to get annoyed with the topic and the boy.

"Okay, I'm sorry, we can talk about something else," the brunette said before a small smirk began to grow on his face. "Like what my bridesmaid dress is going to be!"

"Oh my god, Rem," I giggle at the overly-enthusiastic boy in front of me. I mean of course, he was faking some of the enthusiasm, I mean, I always knew he would look lovely in a bridesmaid dress. "I'll see you later, I'm gonna go back to my dorm and study a bit."

"The one that you share with your future wife!" Remus yells as I walk out of the door.

Walking into the dorm, I saw that only one of my roommates was here. Of course, it had to be Lily Evans.

"Hey Lils," I said to the girl in the four-poster-bed across from mine.

"Hi, Y/N," the red-headed girl smiled at me causing a rose color to dust over my cheeks. I could see in her green eyes that there was a little extra spark in them today.

"Why do you look so happy?" I asked.

"Well, Remus let me in on a little bit of information about you," she giggled. I instantly knew of what she was talking about and thought to myself of all the horrible things I would do to him later.

"That little twat! If I ever see-"

"No, no it's okay. I actually like you, too," Lily interrupted me.

"What? Wait, I thought you liked James. I mean he's practically in love with you. He talks about how one day he's gonna marry you-" I was cut off once again by Lily, but this time, it was with her lips. Almost immediately, I melted into her lips, tilting my head to the side. I pulled her into me by her waist as she placed her hands on the base of my neck. I pulled back and placed my forehead against hers, both of us catching our breath.

"I might just have to thank Moony for that later," I giggled.

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