james potter

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"Can you do one with reader x james potter and magic mistletoe that you need rto do a different thing for each color like snog, peck on the lips, kiss on the cheek, hug, etc and  reader runs of mortifies after leaving james to comfort them?" for cherieblossom101

no warnings

"Guess what I found," Sirius shouted, bounding into the common room at full speed and jumping over the couch to land next to Remus. He was holding a peculiar object that looked odly like mistletoe but it was pink.

"Lord Padfoot, kill me why don't you," Remus sighed, scooting over on the couch to give Sirius some much needed room.

"Sorry. Anyway I found Magic Mistletoe, guys!" Sirius said, shoving the plant out on front of him and into all of our faces.

I sighed, "Please tell me you didn't steal it from Hogsmeade yesterday."

"I'm not answering," he said and handed James the now green plant. That explains why he was so giddy to show us.

"What do the colors mean," Remus asked and snatch the plant from James' hand.

"Well, the colors stand for different things you have to do while standing underneath it. Green is for normal kissing, pink is for a peck on the cheek, yellow is for a high-five, red is for a full on snog, and blue is for a hug. It gives you a color based on how the two participants fee about each other. For example, it wouldn't make two siblings snog but it mike make James and Lily," Sirius explained, the last sentence causing blood to rush to both James and Lily's faces.  "Who wants to go first?"

"Not me," I blurted, sinking into the maroon couch beneath me.

"I think you would be a lovely candidate," Sirius chuckled, standing up to pull me off the couch.

"No, I don't want to be a guinea pig for your weird kiss plant," I whined, trying to pry Sirius' hand off of mine.

"Too bad. James, you're up, too," Padfoot said.

"Whatever," he grumbled standing next to where I was. I had given up on trying to sit back down as Sirius would've just yanked me back up.

"Am I really that bad," I nudged James in the side.

"No, it's not you," he chuckled, elbowing me causing an 'ow' to escape my lips.

"Now for the event you've all been waiting for," Sirius said, bowing before placing the mistletoe above our heads. A chill ran up my spine as I watched the green plant fade into red.

"I'm- I'm sorry, I have to go," I squeaked as I ran out the portrait entrance and down the marble hallway.

"Y/N!" I heard James shout after me, his feet carrying him faster than mine.

"Y/N, what was that about?" he said, grabbing my arm to stop me from running away any longer. My wrist tingled where he was touching me.

"I'm sorry, it wasn't anything with you," I whispered, pulling my arm out of his grasp.

"Then what was it?" he questioned, forcing me to face him.

"I've never kissed anyone," I mumbled, covering my face with my hands.

"Really? How is that even possible?" he asked, his voice filled with astonishment.

"Don't make fun of me, Potter."

"I'm not, you're just so beautiful. It's kinda hard to believe that you've never been kissed," he chuckled and moved my hands to look into my eyes.

"I'm not beautiful," I said.

"Yes you are. Now, let's fix your problem."

"What prob-" his chapped lips softly met with mine, my sentence being cut shortly after it had begun. I kissed back after a few seconds, loving the feeling of him against me. His hand traveled from my face to rest on my hip while his other slid behind my head to play with the tangled hair.

"Wait, I thought you liked Lily," I said, pulling back slightly, I could still feel his breath fan across my face.

"Well, I never thought you liked me so I chased after her cause she was a little more in my league."

"Oh really?"

"Really," he said, moving back to kiss me again.

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