teddy lupin

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Y/N helps Teddy celebrate his birthday (for @Goddess0fTheGalaxy )
teddy x reader, no warnings

Bored out of my mind, I sat in Herbology, not really listening to Mr. Longbottom drone on about whichever plant topic we were learning about this week. Honestly, Herbology was one of the most boring classes at this school, to me at least. Today being Teddy's birthday just made the classes seem to drag on even longer than they usually did, especially the ones where I didn't have the blue-haired boy in them with me. Tonight, I would be spending some much wanted quality time with the Hufflepuff as we celebrated.

"Miss L/N," Mr. Longbottom called to me from the front of the room, as I was standing near the back.

"Yes?" I asked the man who stood in place, hands crossed over his chest in a look of disapproval.

"I asked what the use of Gillyweed was," Mr. Longbottom clarified.

"Oh. Umm-"

"5 points away from Y/H," he cut me off causing a groan to slip out of my mouth.

"Would you like a detention as well?" Mr. Longbottom asked me.

"No, sir," I mumbled and wrote down the notes I had missed whilst I was daydreaming. At least I would be free of classes after this and I could see Teddy.

"Class dismissed," Mr. Longbottom called and everyone began to pack up their books, pulling me out of the daze I had once again been pulled into. Looking up at the board, I saw I had missed more notes and I scribbled them down before scrambling out of the room myself.

"Y/N!" Teddy said, stopping me outside of the Greenhouse and placing a short kiss onto my lips. "Took you long enough."

"Sorry. You know how much I hate Herbology and I kinda dazed out for a minute so I had to quickly get the rest of the notes," I rambled.

"You could've just asked me for them. I have his class right before you do," he chuckled, pressing a kiss onto the tip of my nose.

"Oh yeah," I giggled.

"Come on, let's head to my dorm," the blue haired boy said before intertwining our hands together. I looked down at our fingers melded together before following after the Head Boy.

"Oh, by the way, happy birthday, love," I said, pulling his hand to my lips to press kisses on the knuckles, entering into the Hufflepuff common room before venturing to his dorm.

"Thanks, love." The corners of his lips upturned in a small smile as a blush played on his fair cheeks.

"You're welcome. I love you," he said as we entered the messy room.

"I love you more than you could ever know."

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