fred weasley

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Y/N falls in love with Fred at hogwarts. (req)
fred x fem!reader, no warnings

There he was, standing on the other side of the Great Hall. He looked as handsome as ever. We were both in year 4, but my not-so-little crush on one of my best friends, Fred Weasley, began in year 3. I don't know why I haven't gotten over it yet, he fawns over Angelina Johnson every chance he gets. However, I just can't help but blush every time he gets within 5 feet of me.

"Oi, Y/N," the other red headed twin called out. "Tell Fred, that I'm the better looking Weasley."

"No, way! Lying isn't right, Georgie," Fred teased.

"Exactly why she'll say it's me," George said.

"I think I'm going to have to go with Ron on this one, guys," I smirked.

"What!" both of the twins exclaimed.

"Sorry guys, just telling the truth," I tried to stifle a giggle at their faces. Their cheeks were almost the color of their hair. As I slipped past them, I sneaked a tiny little glance at that special twin over my shoulder. Both of the twins were asking multiple people in the hall which was the better looking, but barely anyone could even tell the difference between the two. I turned back around to see brown hair barreling towards me.

"Ouch," the boy chuckled.

I looked up to see the face of the Gryffindor Quidditch captain looking back down at me. "Merlin's beard, Oliver. Why were you sprinting down the hallway?" I asked.

"I was actually looking for you, Y/N," Oliver said.

I couldn't help but blush at the older boy, "Me?"

"Yes, you," he said as he helped me off of the floor. "I was wondering if you might wan to go to Hogsmead this weekend?" he asked, scratching the nape of his neck. I mean, Fred will probably never happen anyway, so what would this hurt?

"Yeah, I'd love to," I said.

"Great! I'll see you on Saturday, I guess," Oliver said walking past me into the Great Hall. I began my journey back to the common room, wanting to just relax for a few hours until I felt a few taps on my shoulder.

"Wood just told us you said yes to a date on Saturday," George said.

"I thought Saturday was our hang out day Y/N," Fred said, sounding much sadder than George.

"We can still hang out after I go out with Oliver, guys," I sighed. I really wish Fred was sad because he liked me, but it's probably because he just liked hanging out on Saturdays.

"It's not the same," George whined.

"Yeah, It's not the same," Fred said.

"I'm not cancelling," I said.

"Fine," the two said in unison. We all walked back quietly to the common room. The only thing spoken the whole trip was the password to the fat lady. I quickly slipped up to my room, but not before I heard a quiet, "I knew I should've asked her sooner, George."

Fred wanted to ask me out? Me? The girl with the silly crush on him? Maybe he wanted to ask me something else. He probably wanted to ask me something else, because, let's face it, he'd never ask me out. The boy with the eyes you can't help but get lost in. Before I even knew what I was doing I ran back down to the common room and slammed my lips on his. Fred's arms slipped around my waist as mine went into his hair, messing with he ginger locks.

"Why did you kiss me?" he asked pulling back.

"Did you not like it? I knew you didn't like me, I just heard you say something to George and-"

"No I liked it very much, you're just going on a date with mister Oliver Wood," he chuckled.

"I never really liked Wood, I just never thought you would actually like me," I said.

"I have been in love with you for the past 2 years Y/N Y/L/N," Fred said with a content smile on his face.

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