draco malfoy

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Y/N and Draco spend Christmas at the Malfoy's
draco x fem!reader, no warnings

My mind drifted away from the calming lull of sleep to the feeling of kisses being peppered over my face. I sighed while my eyelids fluttered open to see the green walls of Draco's bedroom, sighing not because my boyfriend was waking me but because I was being woken in the first place.

"Merry Christmas," Draco mumbled, running his cold finger tips through my hair.

"Merry Christmas, Dray," I said, pecking his lips before nuzzling into his bare chest before the feeling of a fuzzy animal nudging its head in between us.

"Merry Christmas, Phoenix," Draco chuckled, petting the tiny black kitten sitting between us now.

"So, what's on the agenda today?" I asked, nonchalantly playing with the tiny cat while I did so.

"Well, I was thinking we could just stay here," Draco said, moving to where his face was hovering right over mine.

"That sounds quite nice," I whispered, linking my hands behind his neck and pulling him down the last few inches for his lips to meet my own. He pulled away slowly only peck another kiss to my lips.

"I do have a present for you, though, darling," he said.

"What? Draco, I thought I told you I didn't want anything," I sighed and ran my hands through his platinum bed head.

"I know- but I just couldn't resist," he chuckled and opened the drawer of his night stand. He rustled around in the drawer for a moment before pulling out a royal blue jewelry box, the one that usually holds a ring.

"You're not proposing are you," I chuckled.

"No, not yet," he said, the not yet ringing in my mind for a few minutes causing my cheeks to flush bright red. He held the box for a few minutes as if he was examining the velvet covering.

"Well, what'd you want to give me?" I asked.

"Well, as you know, this isn't an engagement ring, but it is something close," he said before popping the box open to reveal a small jade stone surrounded by smaller diamonds on a gold band.

"Draco, it's beautiful," I said.

"This is a promise ring, a promise I will make to you that I will, one day, marry you because you, Y/N Y/L/N, are the one person I love more than anything," Draco said, taking the ring out of its velvet encasing to place on my finger before pulling me into a kiss. His lips moved in sync with mine, all the feelings he had poured into the kiss as the rest of the world was soon forgotten.

"I love you so much, Draco Malfoy," I whispered once we both pulled away.

"I love you more, Y/N. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas."

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