percy weasley

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"when you get a chance can you do a percy weasley imagine? it's storming  and he's doing patrols when he finds the reader and asks why she's out right now ("i can ask you the same thing" "i happen to be a school prefect") she says she's scared of the thunder and asks if she can hang out with him for a while and sighs exasperatedly  but agrees. and this goes on for a few nights and at first he didn't like her very much but with time she starts to grow on him? or something like that! i wish there were more percy imagines in the world :(" for xomellz

warnings: none

Another crack of thunder rattled the bed I was currently lying in, wrapped in four blankets with pillows surrounding me. To say I was scared of thunderstorms was an understatement, I was terrified. Deciding the only thing that could remotely help right now was something from the kitchens, I unraveled myself from the comfort burrito I had cocooned myself into. Slowly, I tiptoed out of the dorm room and out of the common room, making sure to not let any doors or floorboards creak in the mean time.

"What do you think you're doing?" I heard a voice from behind me ask as I walked the marble halls.

"I could ask you the same thing," I said, whipping around to see a red-headed boy. Hmm, must be a Weasley.

"I happen to be a school prefect," he scoffed, almost as if he expected me to know him just by the sound of his voice.

"Hmm, interesting," I said turning back around to continue my way to the kitchens.

I felt a hand grip my forearm, turning me back around before he said, "You need to go back to your dorm before I turn you into McGonagall."

"No, please don't. I just, I'm afraid of the thunder and I needed to walk around to calm myself down a little," I admitted, looking down at my feet.

He sighed before I spoke up again, "Look, if you don't want me wandering around on my own why don't I just hang out with you for a while."

The prefect nodded before finally letting go of my arm and walking the direction I had previously come from. He turned quickly and said, "Are you coming?"

"Oh, yeah," I chuckled, catching up to the red head, an awkward silence ensued. "Soooooo."

"Do you want to talk or something?" he asked, annoyance laced his voice like cyanide.

"I guess not," I mumbled. I crossed my arms over my chest, just realizing how little I actually slept in, the tank and shorts not doing much for keeping me warm.

When the thunderstorm finally commenced, the two of us sharing nothing more than our names before the not-so-happy Percy Weasley escorted me back to my common room before continuing on his rounds as the perfect prefect he thinks he is.

The next night another storm began to rumble throughout the castle, my comfort cocoon once again doing nothing to protect me from the fright building up within me. I slipped out of the common room once again in search of Percy, his company actually somewhat helping keep away the tears I always have to fight back, even though he did act as though I was the most annoying being on the planet. I walked through the hallways once again until I saw a silhouette standing near the other end of the hallway.

"Percy?" I called out to the shadow. The boy didn't answer but simply walked into the light from my wand. The rapid racing of my heart slowed as I recognized the ginger hair and scowl of Percy Weasley.

"Out after hours again, are we," he said.

"You know I'm scared of the thunder," I said, a loud clap causing me to jump closer to the prefect.

"Well, I guess you can join me on my rounds again," Percy sighed, yet the annoyance I had seen yesterday had faltered slightly.

"Thank you," I smiled at the red-head.

For the next few nights, the sky was clear and the thunder hand temporarily halted itself from striking down. Then, it always did find a way to come down once again and ruin my evening. The sound of the thunder roused me from my sleep and instead of trying to stay put, I immediately left and went on the search for Percy.

"Lumos," I whispered the farmiliar spell and continued down the hallways, twisting and turning with the walls before bumping into a body, knocking me to the floor.

"Y/N?" the body, more specifically, Percy, asked.

"Percy?" I asked, holding a hand out as a signal for him to help me up. He grabbed my hand and lifted me off the floor.

"Care to join me once again?" he asked, the annoyance I had seen the first night had vanished completely, leaving a smiling Weasley in its place.

"I would love to," I agreed, walking down the corridors with the only thing that could give me comfort during these stormy nights.

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