cedric diggory

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"Cedric lives in the Tri-Wizard tournament. After Fred and George fly out, all the 7th years decide to pull a prank. They put Cedric and Shanna in charge since  they are the best at planning things like this." for draceased

warnigns: none

Sitting in the Room of Requirement with the rest of the 7th years at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Cedric and I planned out the prank we would pull on the last day of school this year, the final day approaching much quicker than anyone anticipated. We weren't going to leave without some type of prank. It's just how we roll.

"So, who has any ideas of what we we're going to do?" I asked the crowd of students.

"Let's teepee the Great Hall!" Someone in the back of the room shouted.

"Who has any good ideas of we're going to do?" I asked.

"Love, don't be too harsh," Cedric chuckled before intertwining our hands and kissing my knuckles.

"Sorry," I giggled.

"You guys are gross," one of our close friends gagged from beside us.

"Well then why did you put us in charge?" I questioned the student.

"Cause you're good at pranks," she shrugged causing Cedric the laugh and pull me into his lap.

"Guy's we should totally fill every hallway with slip and slide things," a Slytherin boy said.

"Oh my god that is the best thing I've ever heard!" I said, jumping up from Cedric's lap and high fiving the Slytherin.

"That's going to take so long," someone in the back groaned.

"Okay, yeah, but there's like 200 million of us," I responded.

"Actually theses only like 300 of us," Cedric said, still seated where he was before.

"Shut up, Ced. Why did you have to ruin this for me?" I jokingly whined.

"Sorry, love," Cedric sighed.

"Anyway, we'll do it on Thursday!" I squealed, already excited for the upcoming event.

Over the next few school days, classes dragged on until that special evening. I mean, I didn't want to leave Hogwarts, it was my home, but since I have to, I'm obviously going to do it in style.

"Everyone ready?" I said to the group of students, most of which were carrying blue or black tarp to which we would enchant to have a constant flow of water flowing down them.

"For the one thousandth time, yes. We're ready," Cedric groaned from beside me.

"Alright, you guys," I said pointing to a group of empty handed Ravenclaws, "You will go with the Slytherins to enchant the slip and slides." The group of students nodded before walking over to join the green and silver embellished students.

"Gryffindors will come with us!" I said before dissmissing everyone to lay out the tarps. I just hoped no one would get caught by Filch, the almighty fun destroyer.

A long time later, every hallway was covered in wet tarps and all the 7th years were just about exhausted.

"Great job guys!" I cheered on my peers before everyone ventured back to their common rooms, awaiting the fun that was to come tomorrow.

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