draco malfoy

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Draco doesn't take his girlfriend's advice.
draco x reader, no warnings

"Mmm- morning, princess," you hear from behind you. You crane your neck around while staying seated on the leather couches of the slytherin common room. The only thing in your line of sight was a very tired looking Draco Malfoy with emerald green pajama pants hanging just low enough to see the waistband of his boxers peeking out.


"Yes, darling," his voice came out raspy as he slipped over the back of the couch to sit next to me.

"Didn't I tell you to go to bed early last night?" you asked with a false sweetness to your voice. He began to rub his eyes with the palm of his hand. A murmur came from his lips that you took as a yes.

"And did stubborn Draco Malfoy listen to his girlfriend that is always looking out for her insufferable boyfriend?" you asked the rhetorical question as you shoved whatever you were working on to the side and beckoned him closer to you.

Draco lay his head across your lap as your fingers instinctively moved to twirl the platinum strands between your fingers. You began to hum softly to yourself while the boy placed on your legs began to snore softly. Even though he rarely listened to your wiser judgement, you couldn't help but love him anyway.

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