draco malfoy

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"a date in hogsmeade with Draco." for kykyphoenix , no warnings

"Ready love?" Draco asked me as he took my hand in his, intertwining the our fingers together.

"Yeah," I said the platinum blond. Today was one of the annual school trips to Hogsmeade and Draco and I had decided to go together. We never seemed to get any alone time together, so we figured we might be able to sneak off somewhere and be alone. Of course, after we get sweets.

"So, what would you like to do first?" Draco asked me as we arrived in the small town.

"Let's go to Honeydukes!" I said a little too loudly.

"Okay, princess," he chuckled.

The more we walked, the colder I seemed to get. I didn't expect it to get so cold, so I didn't think to bring an extra jacket. The sweater I was wearing didn't block more than the wind and I was practically turning to ice where I stood.

"Are you cold, love?" Draco asked me, noticing my shivering.

"No, I'm okay. Really," I said but the chatter in my voice gave me away.

"Here, take my jacket," he said as he peeled the warm fabric off his body.c

"Thank you, Draco, but I'm okay," I told him and held a hand out to make him stop.

"I"m going to let you freeze, Y/N," he chuckled and handed the coat to me. Sighing, I slipped into the larger garment, already feeling 10 times better than I had before.

"You didn't have to," I said to him, feeling guilty for taking his jacket.

"Don't worry about it. I wanted you to have it," he smiled at me, generating a deep red to paint my already pink cheeks. At least he wouldn't be able to tell I was blushing, the cold already making my face a light scarlet.

"Here we are," I said as we reached the sweets shop I'm always dying to go to. Pushing the green door open, he let me enter the incredible smelling store first. Immediately I rushed towards all the chocolates Honeydukes had to offer, mainly looking for their chocolate frogs.

"Slow down, love!" I heard Draco shout from behind me, a slight laugh hidden in his voice.

"Sorry!" I yelled back, not slowing don for a second until I reached the shelves that held what I was looking for.

"Chocolate, I should've known," the boy sighed as he caught up to me.

"You should've," I said as I picked up an armful of the sweet candy. Draco just laughed as he followed me through the other aisles, both of us picking up different candies and treats. Finally, after we had both spent all of our cash on sweets, we exited the shop to go and try to find a quiet spot for us to be alone. Hand in hand, we walked in silence, but it never ended up being awkward. It never really was awkward between the two of us, us having been dating for a few years and been friends for years before, one was always comfortable with the other.

"Let's stay here," I said to the boy beside me as we sat on a bench in a deserted corner of the town.

"Yeah, this seems good," he smiled at me, keeping our hands melded together. He began to trace shapes with his thumb onto the back of my hand as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I love you, Y/N," Draco said.

"I love you more," I said, sitting up to look at the boy whom I loved so dearly.

"Not possible," he smirked.

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