harry potter

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"the reader us a party in the room or requirements with the golden trio, silver trio, the Weasley twins, and Draco and they play 7 minutes in heaven, She picks Harry's name out of a hat and they get locked in the closet, they end up admitting their feelings and start dating." for fanfic_jo_24

warnings: underage alcohol use

The Room of Requirement. A place used for important meeting of the D.A. or stupid parties that had a little more alcohol than anyone wanted to admit. Right now, the room was being used for one of those stupid parties. Draco was in one corner, Pansy on his arm, with a few of his housemates sneering at the mostly Gryffindor crowd. Hermione and Ron were sitting on one of the couches around the room, talking with Neville and Luna. I was currently sitting on the floor, watching the people in front of me slowly get more and more intoxiacted. Well, that was until a fairly tipsy Ginny Weasley hopped onto the coffee table in the middle of the room.

"Let's play seven minutes in heaven!" the ginger girl screamed. Around the room, a chorus of cheers and groans ensued. 'Why not,' i thought to myself before getting off the ground just to get back onto it but in a circle of people this time.

"Okaay, everyone write yoour names down and then place them intoo this," Ginny slurred, taking the snapback off of George's head and placing it on the floor in the middle of us and passing around small pieces of paper and a few quills. "Who's up first? Oooh, Draaco and 'Eermiione."

Both of the students stood up as the door of the closet locked and the timer started. Before I even knew it, the two had stepped out and Hermione's already ruthless hair had become even more frizzy while Draco's usually white skin had a scarlet tint.

"Neext is.... Harry and Y/N!" Ginny said. A crimson color filled my cheeks as a small smirk started to play upon all of Harry's features. Well, all of his features except for his eyes that show nothing but fear.

"Go on you two, into the closet!" Ron shouts.

"Oh shove off," Harry says to his best friend. The green eyed boy made his way over to me, head held high, and offered his hand out for me to take. I clutched his hand in my own to pull myself off the ground before he led me to the closet where I would spend the longest seven minutes of my life.

"Look, I really like you. I'm not going to force you to do anything with me in this closet but I just thought I should tell you so," Harry says after someone locks the closet door. My mouth opened and closed as I tried to form at least one sentence standing in front of the boy that every girl had a crush on. Opting against words I leaned in to press my lips onto his own chapped ones. One of his hands held my cheek as the other found its place on my waist, while my fingers played with the ends of his hair. After a minute or two, we both pulled back to force air into our lungs.

"You didn't answer for a minute. I was beginning to think you didn't like me," Harry chuckled.

"I've liked you for quite a while, Potter," I say sliding my hands down from his hair to his neck.

"Since when have you called me Potter?" Harry asked, leaning down to kiss me again.

"I don't know, Potter," I giggle before closing the small gap between us.

"Come on guys, it's been like 10 minutes," George says before unlocking and opening the door, filling the small room with light. Harry flips the twin off before slamming the door shut once more all the while still kissing me.

"Great! Now we have to find a different room to do this in," Fred groans.

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