george weasley

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George decides that he has to be touching Y/N at all times, no matter what she says
george x fem! reader, no warnings

I was sat in the Gryffindor common room, working on the potions essay on the effects of Amortentia. That was until Mr. George Weasley walked into the common room clad in his Quidditch uniform.

"Y/N, I need cuddles," George groaned, pushing his hands in front of him in a grabbing motion.

"Not now George, this essay is due in a few days and I am jam packed with homework," I said, not even looking up from the parchment.

"Y/N, Oliver was being a douche at practice and made us fly extra laps, I'm tired and need cuddles from my gorgeous girlfriend," the ginger whined.

"Give me fifteen minutes, please."

"But I want cuddles now."

"George, I swear to god, if you do not shut your mouth, you will not get kisses for a week," I said, turning up to look at him for the first time since he walked in the door.

"Okay okay," he said, holding his hands up in surrender. George flopped down on the couch beside me quite dramatically which earned an eye roll from me. He was going to try to get my attention, even if he couldn't talk. I'll just keep this in mind the next time he's busy. After a few minutes of slience, the red-headed boy moved behind me on the maroon couch and slipped his arms around my waist.

"George what are you doing?" I asked.

"I told you I wanted cuddles, and this way you can still work on your essay." George placed a small kiss on the base of my neck and them set his cheek on my shoulder blade. Usually, by now, I would've stopped caring about my homework and given all of my attention to George, but today I promised myself I would catch up on my assignments.

"Georgie, please let me finish," I begged the stubborn boy.

"I am letting you finish."

"No, you are not, letting me finish would mean not distracting me."

"You get distracted far too easily then, love," George chuckled.

"You know what you're doing, Weasley," I sneer.

"Alright I'll leave you be," he said moving his arms away but leaving me sitting between his legs.

"Thank you," I say. Not even 2 minutes later, he is pressing kisses onto my shoulder and up onto the nape of my neck.

"George," I groan.

"I'm sorry love, you're just irresistable," he said placing more kisses on my neck and up to my jaw. I sigh before giving in to the ginger and leaning into his touch.

"Next time you're working on homework, I'm going to bug the hell out of you."

"I will gladly accept all of the attention you give me."

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