ron weasley

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"Can you do a oneshot for your Harry Potter book where the reader gets upset because Ron is oblivious to her feelings towards him. And he's just all over lavendar. And the reader goes to Harry for help. So Harry shoves it in Ron's face that reader is upset and then they get together. Can this be in the 6th year please? Even if you don't make this one I appreciate and love your oneshots." for HopeARockStar

warnings: none

As I started at him from across the table, all that was on my mind was how much time he's been spending with Lavender. I scoffed and pushed my plate of food to the side, my appetite going as far down as his tongue down her throat.

"Y/N? You alright?" Hermione asked from beside me, placing her hand over mine sympathetically. She knew how much I liked Ron and, now, hated Lavender.

"Yeah, I'm good. I'm just not that hungry, Mione. Don't worry about it," I rambled on, pulling my hand from underneath hers and standing up from the bench quite abruptly, bumping into the table prompting Harry's goblet to topple over onto the leech currently attached to Ron by the mouth.

"Y/N!" she screeched, throwing her hands in the air as Ron rushed to get napkins and dab away all the pumpkin juice on her robes.

"How could you do that, Y/N?" Ron grumbled, throwing the soaked napkins onto the table and sitting down next to his still damp girlfriend.

"I-I did I didn't mean-"

"She didn't do it, Ron. My hand accidentally bumped my cup causing it to knock over but you two were too busy trading spit to see it anyway," Harry stated. I mouthed a quick 'thank you' to him before rushing out of the Great Hall.

I plopped down onto the couch in the common room, the heat from the fire making me feel sleepy the minute I had walked in. A little nap wouldn't hurt anything, I thought, letting my eyes close and my mind slowly drift off.

"Can't you see she hate Lavender?" I heard a voice yell from across the room, stirring me from the sleep I was previously in.

"Why does she hate her so much?" another voice shouted.

"Because she likes you, dumbass!" the first guy said and I realized who the two people were. Harry was spilling the one secret he promised to keep to Ron.

"She what?"

"She. Likes. You. Ronald. Weasley."

"But-but I thought she liked Draco the skank?"

"Well, you thought wrong," Harry snapped.

"Are you 100% sure she liked me back?"

"She told me herself," Harry sighed as he began to walk toward the boy's dormitories.

"Wait, you like me?" I asked, sitting up from my place in the couch.

"Y/N?" Ron asked, snapping his head around to look at me.

"Ron, do you like me?"


"Do you like me or are you both just fucking with me?" you snapped.

"Yes, I do like you," he said, inching closer to me.

"Then why are you with her?"

"Because I never thought you would like me back."

"Well you thought wrong," I mimicked Harry.

"C'mon Y/N I was trying to hook you up," Harry whined from behind us.


"Just kiss me, loverboy," you said, walking over to Ron as he slammed his lips onto mine. Our lips moved in sync as his hand began to trail down my body, resting on my ass. I squeaked slightly, my eyes shooting open before melting back into the kiss.

I broke away slightly, "Wait, what about Lavender, loverboy."

"What about her?"

"You were sucking her tonsils earlier this morning."

"Well I was just sucking your tonsils, wasn't I," he chuckled causing my nose to scrunch up in disgust.

"You're so gross," I giggled, slapping his arm slightly.

"Well it is the truth," Harry sighed.

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