draco malfoy

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Y/N cheats on Draco
draco x fem!reader

warnings: almost smut

I shuffled into the Slytherin common room, loosening the green and silver tie hanging from my neck and pulling my y/h/c into a high ponytail. I pulled out my Charms homework but the only thing I could think about was the night I had spent with Harry a few nights ago. It all happened so quickly and I could still feel the way he kissed down my body, the way his hands felt in my hair, and how much I had betrayed Draco. I loved Draco with all my heart, or at least, I thought I did. You would never even think about cheating on the one you love the most.

"Y/N, love," Draco said as he entered the room. Just hearing his voice made tears start to pool in my eyes.

"Yeah," I replied with a cracked voice.

"Darling, what's wrong, why have you been ignoring me these past few days." The platinum haired boy sat beside me on the leather couch, taking my hand into his own. Every move that Draco made, reminded me of a similar one that Harry had done.

"Please talk to me, Y/N," Draco sighed.

"Use your words, love," the raven haired boy said from above me.

"Please, Harry, I want this," I moaned.

"Dray," I cried looking into the eyes of my first love, the eyes that I had loved for the past 3 years.

"I love you," he said.

"I know," I replied. I knew I had to tell him eventually, if the guilt didn't kill me first.

"Love, please tell me what is wrong. Did I do something?" Draco asked.

"No, but-"

"Then what happened to where you won't even look at me for more than five seconds," he said.

"Dray, I-I cheated on you," I whispered, hoping he wouldn't hear me, hoping to Merlin that I wouldn't lose the one boy I had loved so dearly over something so stupid.

"What?" he asks, jumping up from the couch.

"I cheated on you, and it was the stupidest thing I have ever done," I say looking up to the platinum haired boy towering over me. It was almost I was paralyzed with fear of what would happen, no tears were falling and m legs were glued to each other and to the couch.

"After everything we've been through for the past three fucking years, you cheat on me? with who?" Draco yells.

"Harry," I mutter.

"The one person I hate the most, why him?" he asks, voice falling to a whisper.

"It all happened so quickly, I don- I don't know, Dray. I truly am sorry," I cry.

"Sorry isn't enough Y/N, I would never even dream of cheating on you," he says.

"I know," I mumble.

"No. No you don't," Draco says as he walks towards the dorms.

"I love you," I say in a last attempt to get him to stay.

"I know," he repeats my words.

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