oliver wood

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Oliver doesn't know how to handle himself when his girlfriend isn't speaking to him
oliver x fem! reader, no warnings

I sat by the lake, waiting for Oliver to come out for the one day in a while we actually get to spend time together, but ,as expected, he doesn't show.He was always busy with quidditch, whether it was playing or planning, and didn't seem to care for out dates. A lively wind started to pick up speed so, I started to head back up to the castle. I promptly made my way to the Gryffindor common room to try and find Oliver after he left me waiting for over an hour. Of course, he was sitting on one of the couches, leisurely reading a book in a Puddlemere United t-shirt and maroon pajama pants hanging low on his waist.

"Oli," I breathed.

He looked up from Quidditch Through the Ages to see me wearing a sweater and a Gryffindor scarf before asking,"Why are you so dressed up, it's Sunday?"

"You didn't remember," I said.

"Remember what?" he said with his Scottish accent I usually adored, but loathed for the time being.

"God, Oli, the one day you don't even have Quidditch and you still don't remember we had a date," I grumble.

"We had a date?"

"Yes, Oliver." My face was redder from anger than the color of his pants.

"I didn't remember, I'm  truly sorry Y/N," he said with a somber look in his brown eyes.

"Just like all the other times,"  my voice cracked on the last word before walking past him and trudging up to my dorm. I was currently trying, key word trying, to keep my tears at bay until I was sure no one would see me. I sure as hell wasn't about to let Oliver see me cry. I gingerly pushed open the door, making sure no one was in there, before finally letting the tears tumble down my cheeks.

The next few days at school I constantly ignored Oliver, doing whatever was possible to avoid him. The Weasley twins started to catch on to the fact that I was ignoring him and the flood of questions ensued.

"What did Wood do this time?" George asked as he plopped down on one side of me in the great hall, Fred on the other.

"He forgot about me one too many times," I sighed, taking a sip of the pumpkin juice in my cup.

"Well, he's all depressed now, and he's really out of it at quidditch," Fred said.

"That's his fault guys," I said in conclusion before getting up from the table to head to potions, where ,evidently, Snape paired me with the one person I didn't want to talk to at the moment.

"Hello, Gorgeous," Oliver said in a hopeful voice. The only thing I was going to talk to him about was the potion at hand.

"I'll go get the ingredients," I mumbled and walked away from our cauldron to the supply closet. Snape  had assigned for us to make Draught of Living Death and I, fittingly, felt like Oliver was living death at the moment, because everytime I looked at him, I was one-step closer to giving in and talking to him once again.

I walked back over to the table with a handful of ingredients for the potion.

"Please talk to me," Oliver whined halfway through finishing the elixir. It took all my will to continue making it and not cave in right then.

"Y/N, please. I feel horrible for blowing you off for quidditch all the time," Oliver said. I turned to face him and as soon as I looked at him, I noticed the deep purple bags under his eyes. Damn, he really must be sorry this time. Oliver gave  me one of those 'I'm so, so sorry' looks and I caved in under 30 seconds. I grabbed his tie and pulled him closer to me before slamming my lips onto his. Oliver's eyes began to widen until he melted into the kiss.

"Y/L/N, Wood! 20 points from Gryffindor," Professer Snape scolded turning my cheeks a deep shade of scarlet.

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