oliver wood

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a blurb based off wait a minute from my tumblr
oliver x reader, no warnings

Oliver made you feel like the most special girl in the entire world. You don't think you'd ever been this happy in your entire life. Everything was euphoric, your dates, his kisses, the mornings. Oh, God, the mornings.

He just looked so peaceful with his messy bed head and the little bit of drool that had managed to drip onto his pillow throughout the night.

"You're staring," he grumbled, eyes still closed. His accent was just that much thicker early in the morning.

"Am not," you countered, thumping him lightly on the ear with a giggle. He gasped in response, fully opening his eyes before rolling his body over yours.

"Good morning, love," he said. He pressed a kiss against your forehead.

"Morning," you mumbled, pouting your lips until he pressed a kiss there too.

"How about I go make us some coffee, yeah?" he asked as he trailed kisses along your jaw.

"Five more minutes," you hummed.

"Ok. How about I go make us some coffee in five minutes," he said before pulling back so that he could look into your eyes. He brought one of his hands up to tuck a strand of your hair behind his ear.

"Sounds good," you said,


"Yeah," you said. Nothing could possibly be better than this. It was your own little slice of heaven.

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