sirius black

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"Sirius and the reader (wife or fiance?) are either tense or bored so they decide to go the the Potters only to find James and Lily are dead, the house is in shambles, and baby Harry screaming and bleeding on his forehead. The reader tries to clean up the blood on Harry's face, to see a lightning bolt scar, while Sirius goes on rambling about how it was Peter that must have betrayed them and that is was all his fault. Hagrid comes and Sirius gives him Harry and the flying motorcycle, before dashing off to find peter, the reader is hot on his tail, trying to get him to calm down despite being broken inside herself. Once they find Peter, he begins shouting lies ("It was Sirius that killed James and Lily! etc.") and blowing up the muggle street. The Azkaban police come and before taking away the reader and Sirius, Sirius stupefys the reader so they don't think she's his accomplice or something (maybe he moths 'I'm sorry' or 'I love you' before) Lots of angst, I don't know I'm cruel XD" for stirlings

warnings: murder

Apparating into the flat I shared with my fiancé, I took short boots off my aching feet and peeled off my heavy coat, hanging on the nobs by the door and walking over to the stairs leading to my bedroom.

"Sirius! I'm home!" I yelled to the story above me.

"Oh, thank Merlin," I heard his muffled response before his pounding footsteps bounded down the staircase. "I was beginning to think you forgot about me."

I chuckled at the shaggy haired man now in front of me, greeting him with a short kiss before heading to our living room.

"What do you want to do, love?" Sirius asked, sitting down on our leather couch and pulling me to sit in his lap, my arms moving to entangle in the long hair at the back of his neck.

"I don't know, what do you want to do?" I responded.

"Do you want to head over to James'?" he asked as he usually did whenever he was bored.

"Sure," I giggled at him as he practically pushed me off of him to rush and get shoes, a childlike smile becoming prominent on both of our faces.

"Ready, love?" Sirius asked, intertwining our hands together before apparating us to the humble abode of James and Lily Potter, or at lease, what used to be.

"James!" he called out as he entered the house that was in shambles, the table that once resided in the dining room now knocked over in the middle of the living room and the loveseat next to it doused in a thick layer of blood. Sirius collapsed beside the body of his best friend, placing his head on his lap as warm tears trickled onto James' shattered glasses.

"James, no," Sirius croaked.

"Baby, I'm so sorry," I tried consoling him, shakily placing a hand on his shoulder.

"He can't be gone, Y/N," he said, looking up at me with red eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"Sirius, we need to see if Harry is okay," I whispered, a dead Harry flashing through my mind. A loud cry erupted from up the stairs, my legs rushing up them before my mind could even register what was happening. The broken down door revealed a crying baby in his crib, an open wound in the shape of a lightning bolt bleeding on his forehead while the body of his mother lay before him, her once fiery green eyes cold and lifeless now and her son's similar ones glazed with tears.

"Shh, Harry, it's alright," I picked up the child, rocking him in my arms as I walked to the small bathroom beside his nursery. Placing him on the counter-top, I ripped open the cabinets in search for band aids and some rubbing alcohol. I sighed in relief as I picked up the small bottle and box.

"I'm sorry, this is going to sting," I said to the Harry, placing the alcohol covered cotton ball of his cut, whimpers and whines spilling from hips lips. "I know, I'm sorry."

"Y/N?" Sirius said, standing in the frame of the bathroom door.

"Sirius," I responded, placing the dinosaur covered band-aid onto Harry's forehead and turning to look at my fuming fiancé.

"It was bloody, Pettigrew! He killed them! Y/N, he betrayed all of us!" Sirius' voice grew louder as he talked, the noise startling Harry, causing him to begin to cry even more. I picked him up again, rocking and shushing him while Sirius continued to list all the things he wanted to do to Peter at the moment.

"Sirius! You're scaring Harry," I scolded the man in front of me, placing a kiss on Harry's nose.

"I am going to find Peter and I am going to kill him, just like he did James and Lily," he mumbled, racing down the stairs of the destroyed house and out into the streets of Godric's Hollow.

"Wait! Sirius!" I shouted, chasing after him, Harry still curled up in my arms. I bolted out of the door to see a large man situated on a motorcycle, Rubeus Hagrid.

"Hagrid!" Sirius yelled, rushing over to greet the burly half-giant.

"I'm 'fraid to say tha' I'm 'ere to get dear ol' 'Arry," Hagrid sniffled. "Dumbledore's orders's."

I cautiously handed him Harry, the half-giant quietly thanked me before flying off to Dumbledore in the deep dark night. Sirius was practically bolting by the time I had handed off the baby, rushing away to try and find the man who killed Sirius' best friend, his brother. Racing after Sirius, I tripped more than a few times, the thought of James and Lily being dead finally resonating within me.

"Pettigrew!" Sirius shouted. "Peter! I know you're here, come out and face me like a real man!"

"Sirius," a shaky voice said from behind a shrub.

"Come on out, Pettigrew," Sirius said, stopping where he was as I almost collided into him.

"Sirius, it's you! I missed you so much," Peter tried to hug Sirius, the taller man simply shoved him to the ground, pulling out his wand and shoving it into Peter's face.

"You killed James and Lily, didn't you?" Sirius screamed, pain still fresh in his tone. "Didn't you!"

"What? How could I have done that? You killed them, Sirius!" Peter shouted, shock took over Sirius' body allowing Peter to crawl away from him, standing and knocking over lamp posts to keep the two of us away, for good.

"Sirius Black, you killed James and Lily Potter!" Peter shouted, turning into a rat and racing away faster than ever before. As soon as Peter had left, the police had shown up.

"Sirius Black! We are here to escort you to Azkaban for the murder of James and Lily Potter," the police officer said in a deep voice, Sirius nodded defeated holding his hands out. Yet, before the police reached him, he raised his wand in the air, turned to face me and shouted.

"Stupefy!" the love of my life said, knocking me to the ground as he was dragged away. I stared at him, eyes filled to the brim with tears as I faintly saw him mouth, 'I love you.'

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