oliver wood

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a blurb based off nevermet from my tumblr
oliver x reader, no warnings

It'd been a year since you broke up with him. It'd also been a year since he ditched you on your anniversary for quidditch practice without telling you. Your anniversary. For quidditch. Without telling you.

Still, here you were, sitting in the Three Broomsticks sipping on your fourth butter beer and throwing yourself your own personal pity party. Sure, as much as Oliver had been a pretty neglectful boyfriend, you had still loved him. You loved the way he knew just how to put you to sleep, with his fingers tracing quidditch plays onto your spine. You loved his accent. His incredibly think accent. You loved the way he looked at you like you hung the moon and all the stars.

But, you hated the way he made you feel like you weren't good enough. Maybe, if you had been a better girlfriend he wouldn't payed more attention to you than that stupid game, right? You hated that he wouldn't even give you the time of day on match days. What you hated more was the fact that he would push all of his homework onto you because he was busy and "you understood." What you hated most was the fact that you were still moping about him during your final year at Hogwarts while he's out living his professional athlete dreams.

He probably had another girlfriend by now. One that he brings to all of his games. One he points to in the crowd after an especially tough save. How would you know? It's not like the two of you kept up correspondence and you sure as hell weren't about to keep up with Puddlemere United and professional quidditch. You hated that you were still thinking about him. You hated that he still mattered this much to you.

You just wished the two of you had never even met.

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