~ Chapter 18 ~

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*Niall's P.O.V*

As soon as Audrey entered into the room I had to keep myself from jumping up and hugging her.

How dare she? I hadn't seen her for over 3 weeks. 3 fucking weeks. No contact whatsoever. She didn't return any of my message or my calls. I understand that she has an important role in the law but couldn't she take a minute off to call or to say 'I'm okay' that's all I'm asking for. If she didn't make the effort then why should I?
If I'm contemplating about us so early into the relationship then I'm honestly worried of our future together.

Cara wasn't as laid back as me though, she jumped up quickly.

"What the fuck were you thinking?! Do you know how fucking worried we all were?!" Harry held her hand, but she yanked it away.

"No! She's not going to get away with this so easily Harry! How dare you?! That man over there has been worried sick for his bloody girlfriend!" she pointed at me as I glanced at Audrey, who rubbed her forehead.

"I'm sorry." she mumbled, clearly worn out.

"Is that it?!" Cara yelled. "No! Yu better have a legitimate explanation. I've known you for 21 years. And I've never been so disappointed. You've disappointed me so much Audrey Edwards. You know what? Don't bother to explain, you didn't make time for me, why should I to you?! Never try to get in contact with me again, not that you'd try to anyway." she stormed out, Harry followed behind her as the other boys did the same.


"Save it Audrey. You didn't even call me! I've never been so worried about someone. Do I not matter to you? How could you? I'm done." I spoke calmly before walking out, slamming the door.

*Audrey's P.O.V*

What have I done? I just lost the most important people in my life right now. How could I be so stupid? Cara has never looked so angry with me. And Niall. Oh Niall. I've probably lost his trust. I've lost everything. I've lost the 6 people that matter to me the most. 3 weeks. I'd probably go mental if Cara hadn't texted me or called me like that, I don't blame any of them. I kicked of my heels and laid my blazer across the couch and strolled into the kitchen, fumbling with the cupboards. I bought out anything alcoholic I had. I had to punish myself in some way hadn't I? I lost Niall. I lost Cara. I lost Harry, Liam, Louis and Zayn. I deserved this. Glass after glass I threw my head back, the taste burning my throat. Which cup was this 5? 6? I lost count, but whatever it was, it was strong. Sure alcohol wouldn't solve my problems.

But right now?

I had to forget everything.

I woke up on the couch, I rubbed my eyes and a pain shot through my neck.

"Fuck." I groaned.

I couldn't move my neck at all. I was sprawled out in an uncomfortable position. I checked the time, 12:45. Gods sake. I decided to get up and take a shower. As I stood up sharply an immense pain shot through my head. I made my way upstairs and stood under the steaming shower and washed away my problems.

*Cara's P.O.V*

"Aren't you overreacting a bit love?" Harry asked.

"Harry no. You don't understand. We always tell each other things that are going on daily. That guy over there had been worried sick. Niall doesn't deserve this." I pointed towards him.

"I don't know what to do." Niall shrugged.

"What do you think is best Niall?"

"I don't know Cara, I'm always going to be on tour and if we don't have communication how is this relationship going to work?"

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