~ Chapter 11 ~

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As cheesy as it sounds, our lips moulded together perfectly, as if they were made for each other. I felt him lean into me more as I reached up to tangle my fingers in his soft hair. Soon enough the perfect moment ended as we pulled away for air, I felt myself craving him more. I closed my eyes and sighed, before opening them and looking at Niall. He looked at me and smiled, scratching the back of his neck.

"That was..amazing." he breathed out, his cheeks slightly tinting pink.

I nodded my head agreeing, "Yeah it really was, I'm sorry for my sudden actions." I replied blushing, whilst looking down.

I heard Niall shift a little before I felt his finger place under my chin lifting my head up to meet his gaze. "Don't you dare apologise for anything Audrey. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it." he smirked slightly before dropping his fingers down to his lap and turning his gaze back to the roaring fire. I looked at the clock that was hanging up on the wall, it was now 8:30.

I turned to Niall, "I know it's a bit late Ni but do you want something to eat?" he thought about it for a while before answering,

"Sure. I'm helping though." he cheekily smiled. I giggled before standing up and reaching out my hand for him to take, he took it gently and pulled himself up, smoothing out his shirt in the process. He came to my level and studied me.

"What?" I asked laughing softly.

He smiled a huge smile, "You're beautiful." he whispered.

"Ew no." I laughed. He laughed but then turned serious again.

"No Audrey. You are beautiful. I'm just thinking how anyone can be so stupid enough to not let you know." he gently took my arm, rubbing soothing circles. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against chest, placing my hands on his shoulders. He gently snaked his arms around my waist and swayed slightly. We were both so at peace. No noises, no distractions, just us. I felt his heartbeat against my ear and I melted in his arms.

"Shall we get started on the food love?" he whispered in my ear. I looked up and nodded at him. He pulled away from me also taking the warmth of his body with him. I felt empty for a moment before thinking, 'No girl. Don't move too fast. You'll only get hurt. Take it slow as possible. If you fly without your wings fully recovered you'll plummet down again.' I pushed my thoughts to the back of my mind before following him into the dark kitchen.

"Wait hold on Niall. What are we going to do when the electricity's cut off?" I asked.

I heard him groan, "Shit." he mumbled under his breath. I chuckled slightly before gazing out the window, the rain had stopped and there was almost no traces of it.

It was a full moon tonight and my house got the perfect view of it. I've always loved nature. I find it absolutely extraordinary, I'm the type of person that goes on walks to try and capture nature at its finest through the lens of a camera. I walked towards the large window that faced the backyard. I leant against the counter and sighed looking up at the shining stars and the pale moon. I felt Niall walk towards me, he also leant against the counter looking up.

"What now?" he whispered. I suddenly thought of an idea.

I gasped. "Come on." I held his hand and dragged him towards the living room.

"Wait what are we doing? Audrey it's nine o'clock." he laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"Just trust me." I handed him his coat and quickly put mine on. I blew out all the candles and turned the flash on my phone and placed it on a nearby table. It didn't give off to much light but it was enough. I handed Niall some Timberland boots and wore the same myself.

"It's going to be cold." he ludicrously muttered.

"That's why we're dressing up warm. You warm?" I asked.

"Yeah fine." he nodded his head.

"Alright then let's go." I grabbed his hand, and my phone and keys in my other hand. I locked my door and guided Niall through the dark. I knew the way even with my eyes closed. I just needed Niall to trust me. Soon enough we had been walking for about 5-10 minutes before we came to an arched entrance framed with flowers. When you looked past the entrance it was just masses and masses of trees as far as the eye can see. Niall looked once and his mouth was left hanging open.

"How do you know about this place?" he asked bewildered.

"This isn't it Ni. Come on." I walked through the entrance and followed the pathway which I had walked on many, many times. We walked for another couple of minutes before I spied the reflection of the water through the trees. I grew excited and quickened my pace. Seconds later me and Niall were faced with a sight that looked like it came straight out of a movie. He looked around, astounded.

"Wow." he breathed out. Circling the large pond was weeping willows, branches touched the water causing it to ripple slightly. There were dozens and dozens of flowers everywhere. A small wooden bench was placed cosily at the edge of the pond, the chirps of crickets were heard in the silent night flowing in time with the breeze causing a peaceful symphony. But the most beautiful of all was the reflection of the moon on the calm water.

"How do you know about this place?" Niall asked curiously. I shrugged slightly and made my way over to the bench.

"I got really angry once and stormed off on my own, I found this place and have came to it ever since." he joined me on the bench and sat down inhaling deeply.

"Like it?" I asked after a while of silence.

"Yes it's beautiful." he took his phone out, "May I?" he asked.

I nodded whilst laughing, "Do what you want Niall it isn't my 'special' place. I just come here when I need to cool off." he nodded, before taking a few photos changing the filters a couple of times. He nodded satisfyingly and locked his phone.

"Can we take a photo?" he smirked at me. I rolled my eyes,

"Niall I'm in my bloody onesie." I laughed.

"Well you still manage to make it look beautiful." he smiled widely. I leant over and kissed his cheek.

"Fine but only one." I pointed. He took out his phone and took a few.

"Take a few on mine?" I blushed. We also took a few on mine and he posted one on Twitter. 'Midnight treks with @audreyedwards' (made up Twitter name :) soon enough thousands of notifications started piling in, thankfully the fans were quite fond of me so I had nothing to worry about. A few of the comments included 'OMFG OTP' , 'Niall is she your girlfriend?'. Me and Niall laughed at a couple of these before settling back and enjoying the scenery, me cuddled in his arms and his arms wrapped protectively around me. Just how I wanted it to be.

I finally wrote a long chapter! Actually quite proud of the description in this one but obviously it's not up to me to decide. I've been trying to update daily but I don't know if I'm doing a good job :/ oh well. thank you all so so much for all the views and the votes and stuff! ily x

soulmate - niallhoran (major editing)Where stories live. Discover now