~ Chapter 22 ~

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"Audrey. Get up. Get up you tit." I heard whispers. Female whispers.

I rolled over onto another body, who I presumed was Niall. I slowly opened one of my eyelids, peeking up at the two girls.

"What man? What's wrong? Where's the god damn fire?" they both yanked me up by my forearms.

"You need to see this." Ebony handed me a coat, which I presumed was Louis' and Cara shrugged, mirroring my actions. Ebony handed me my trainers and I slipped them on, still oblivious as to where she was taking me. We walked through the movie room quietly trying not to disturb the boys.

"Hold on." I muttered and leaned down to kiss Niall's forehead.

Cara unlocked the door and we all slipped outside, the cold air slapping our faces.

"You're crazy." I muttered under my breath, smoke coming out of my mouth.

"Basically I thought I'd go for a midnight stroll and I unintentionally came across this area." Ebony explained calmly. The iciness in her usual soft, silky voice petrified me, I stared up at her in horror.

We walked through several streets, the street lights being the only thing illuminating the misty fog. After several minutes we stopped to a halt in front of a debilitated looking house.

"Wow a house. Never seen one of those before." I retorted sarcastically.

"Shut your trap." Cara chuckled. They both looked around for people and walked in, me trailing after them.

"Aren't we trespassing on private property?" I whispered.

"Nah don't worry about it." Cara chuckled lowly. I've never heard this kind of tone with Cara before.

What's going on?

I looked around at my surroundings taking everything in. The house had no modern furniture and everything was run down. The wallpapers were peeling slowly and the wooden floorboards were decaying. A sudden movement caused a low moan to burst from under your feet.

To say I'm petrified will be the biggest understatement of this century.

I looked around a little while more before I felt the hairs on the back of my neck arise. My heart was in my throat, I did not feel safe.

"Guys can we go?" I squeaked out. Almost instantly the door slammed shut, causing all three of us to scream and jolt in surprise.

"What's going on?" Cara asked in her usual tone.

"You tell me! One minute you're Cara the next you're a freaking zombie." I yelled out shaking in terror.

"How did we get here?!" Ebony blared.

"What do you mean 'How did we get here?' You dragged me out saying, 'Oh we found this, come check it out.' You mean to tell me you can't remember anything from this past half an hour?!" I bellowed, my voice bouncing back to me in a monotonous tone.

"Are you crazy?! No of course not!" Ebony cried.

"How are we going to get out of here?" I yelled suddenly unaware of my surroundings.

"Um there's a door right there. I believe that they usually lead to the outside world." Cara sassily replied.

"Cara!" Me and Ebony shrieked. She walked over to the door and jiggled the handle, to our dismay it didn't move. Ebony removed her hand and stared at it in horror. A trail of dust appeared. I looked closely at Ebony, observing her facial expression. That look of 'horror' was replaced with an ambiguous smirk. I narrowed my eyes.

soulmate - niallhoran (major editing)Where stories live. Discover now