~ Chapter 17 ~

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This whole chapter is pretty much Audrey's job as a lawyer :) I'm incredibly sorry that it took me so long to update! I had to do a lot of research into this :o I also apologise that there isn't any Audrey and Niall action :/ x


That whole week went by extremely slowly, way too slowly for my liking. I was deep into work and I found myself not focusing on other things in my life. Everyone else was getting just as fed up as I was. I had completely cut off communication with the outside world.

The main person worrying was Niall, he had tried to reason with me, asking me over to his place, asking to go out, each time he did I refused his offer, and afterwards I felt extremely guilty. Right now I was sat on my bed with stacks of evidence and other pieces of papers in my hand, in front of me was my laptop.

I represented an innocent client for a criminal case and I had been taking this whole thing very, very seriously. He was innocent, accusing him of murder of his close friend wasn't right, I had to put things straight. His trial was in 23 days and I wasn't going to give up. My client was a man called Jason Michaels. He had been accused of murdering his close friend Drew Allen. This past week I had been visiting Jason frequently for the time he had been in custody. Right now I decided to go visit him and talk about the evidence I had found.

"Is it alright if I record this conversation?" I asked, my finger hovering over the 'rec' button.

"Not at all." he replied wearily.

"Now this is going to be for your statement Jason. Your side of the story. I need you to solemnly swear to only tell the truth." I hold out the bible towards him and he placed his right hand on top. "Do you swear to tell the truth, only the truth and nothing but the truth?"

"Yes." he replied.

"Alright. Now I'm going to ask you a series of questions about the night with Mr Allen." I smiled slightly and he nodded.

"Where were you on the night of his death Jason?" I asked lowly.

He took a long intake of breath and fluttered his eyes closed. I noticed he had goosebumps rising on his skin, "All the boys were over at his place and we were all just hanging out, you know, same old. After a while we decided to separate and go home. I was in my car just driving over to my place when I realised I left my phone at his place. I turned around and drove back. I unlocked his door with the spare key I had and collected my phone, before leaving the house I heard a loud thump upstairs. I decided to go check if he was okay. I entered his bedroom and noticed that the window was wide open and the room had an eerie feel to it. It was then that I realised that Drew was laid across his bed, lifeless with blood pouring out of his stomach." Jason sniffled towards the end and I handed him a packet of tissues. He blew his nose and looked down, I decided that it's my cue to leave.

"Alright Mr Michaels, I appreciate your time and effort. One of the guards will now come and take you back to your cell." I placed my hand over his, before walking out.

I drove back home thinking more and more into this. He was being accused of murdering his best friend. That's completely unacceptable

The next day I went in again to talk to Jason, this time with a tower of paperwork. I walked in and he grabbed a considerable amount off the top of my pile.

"Listen Jason, I'm going to show you some pictures that are thought to be the weapons used for the murder of Mr Allen." I pulled out a piece of paper with a bloody knife on it.

"Have you ever seen this weapon Mr Michaels?" he looked into my eyes and replied.


Over the next couple of days I did my research into this knife and found out that it's the type that security guards use. I talked to some of my guards, yes I have security guards, and they told me that it's the type of knife that they don't always use but they have it on them at all times, along with tazers and such.

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