~ Chapter 29 ~

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I heard a knock from inside the house and wandered over to the front door. I swung it open and faced Cara and Harry. He had his arm rested along her waist and they both looked radiant.

Cara's lipstick had somehow managed to smudge. I motioned to my lips and scratched my head, "You-you're uh ya'll want a mirror?" I mumbled inaudibly.

"Huh?" Cara looked befuddled.

"Lipstick!" I coughed loudly.

"Oh! Shit, uh-" I handed her a pack of wet wipes and handed some over to Harry whilst smirking.

"You two had fun." I rolled my eyes and sauntered back through the house and into the vast garden.

I sat down next to Gemma and nudged her when Cara and Harry walked into the garden. All the boys whooped and hollered at both of them. Cara blushed and buried her face into his chest.

"Styles! Get your arse over here!" Louis boomed.

"Hey guys." Cara mumbled walking over to us and sitting down next to Lou.

"Had fun babe?" Lou smiled at her through her shades.

"Tons. He's seriously so sweet, I'm glad I gave him a chance."

"I hate to tell you I told you so but I'm afraid I told you so." I handed her a glass of ice water.

"You're right for once Edwards." she rolled her captivating eyes.

I chuckled and walked into the kitchen. I reached into the fridge and grabbed a can of coke, I reached up to a higher cabinet, trying to grab a glass, when I felt two large hands grab my hips. My shirt had subconsciously rode up, revealing a portion of my skin.

"Need help with that?" he whispered in my ear, whilst extending his arm, effortlessly grabbing the glass.

"I could've got that." I grumbled, pouring the coke into the glass.

"But I wanted to help." Niall murmured into my ear shifting my hair and grazing his lips on the hind of my neck, causing tingles to stimulate.

"Niall!" Lux waddled in.

"Hey Lux." He reached down and in one swift motion he hoisted her up.
She giggled and reached over to my collarbones.

"Lux! Don't run off like that, you scared mummy. Did she interrupt you two?" Lou sighed.

"Oh no it's fine." I smiled and stroked Lux's soft hair. They both walked out and Niall gave me a look as if to suggest 'This isn't over.'

He held my hand and we made our way outside. Cara, Ebony, Gemma and Lou were stood alongside the boys on the grassy area of the garden which was separated by a couple of trees. It seemed as though they were all bickering.

"No! It should be us lads against you ladies." Harry crossed his arms over his chest.

"That's a bit sexist Harry, I think we should have equal teams!" Cara stomped.

"How about we have two team captains and they can pick their players." I reasoned.

"Thank you!" Ebony shouted.

"Can I be a captain?" Louis asked.

I nodded and Ebony raised her hand whilst I nodded.

"Tommo pick a player."


"Harry." - Ebony

"Audrey." Louis motioned me over.

"Niall." - Ebony.

"Cara." - Louis.

"Gemma." - Ebony.

soulmate - niallhoran (major editing)Where stories live. Discover now