~ Chapter 20 ~

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"Do it."


"Do it."

"You're crazy."

"No I'm not. I just have a wild imagination. Do it."

"No Cara."

"You'll regret it forever."

"I won't. I'm not doing it."

"I'll come with you, God!" she shouted exasperated.

"Still not doing it."

"Come on I'll protect you." she smirked.

"Don't care, I ain't doing it."

"Audrey. Me and Harry will be here with you."

"Can I hold your hand if I get too scared?"

"Of course." Harry laughed.

I thought it over, going over the pros and cons. The cons so far were: I'm most likely to die. I'll die of anxiety. I'll die because I'll fall off. I'll just die in general. The pros so far were: it'll make a good headline for the newspaper.

I peered up at the giant roller coaster, towering mockingly over me. Cara and Harry had both brought me to Alton Towers, which contained one of the biggest roller coasters.

The Smiler.

I'm shitting myself.

"Earth to Audrey." Harry clicked his fingers in front of me.

"Fine." I threw my hands in the air. "But I swear to god if I die I'm blaming both of you from my coffin." they both simultaneously rolled their eyes and dragged me over to the line that looked like it was over a mile long.

"Well isn't it good to see all of you here?!" out of nowwhere Liam, Louis, Zayn and Niall popped up. I did a double take.




Harry and Cara called them here.


"AUDREY." Cara screeched at me.

"Oh hi." I smiled sheepishly at her. "Hi guys." I nodded.

"Audrey! My baby goat! It's good to bump into you!" Louis pinched my cheeks.

"Good to see you too Lou." I laughed.

Zayn and Liam both hugged me and exchanged 'Hellos'

When it came to Niall he glanced over at me and slightly smiled.

It was such a small smile that I had to squint to see it in the sunlight.

"Hey how've you been?" he bought me into a gentle hug, surprising me, and the others. Cara was behind him smirking at me and thrusting her hips.

"I've been alright. How are you?" I asked softly, completely ignoring the others, who were making inappropriate motions behind him.

"I'm doing good."

"That's good then." I smiled lightly.

"Are you two going to actually come on this goddamn ride or just stand there looking like a bunch of watermelons?!" Cara exclaimed.

"The second option!" I shouted back.

"Not acceptable!" I heard a different voice shout back this time. I turned around and spotted my favourite red head.

soulmate - niallhoran (major editing)Where stories live. Discover now